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http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/01/24 22:20  空中美语


  David: Barbara, how do you like your new job ?

  Barbara: I like it. But how did you know about my new job? I wanted to surprise you.

  D: I just heard through the grapevine something about you landing a job with some travel agency down town. You can still fill me in on tile details.

  B: Well, two weeks ago I got a tip about a possible job opening at Ace Travel Agency over on Franklin Avenue.

  D: Sure, I think I know the place.Well, anyway, I made a beeline over to their office, had an interview with the manager, and was told to start work the next day.

  D:That's really great, Barbara. So, what do you do there exactly ?

  B: Right now I'm basically just a secretary, but if I'm given the chance, I want to become a travel agent there.

  D: Don't tell me your' re already bucking for a promotion.

  B: No, of course not. I've got a lot to learn yet.In the meantime, I just want to be a good secretary and not step on anyone's toes.

  D: Well I wish you luck.

  Sentence Patterns句型练习:



  I learned__ __ __ that you have a new job.


  Nowadays, it's very difficult to __ a good job.


  Please__ __ __ on this new job of yours.


  He gave me a __ about a job opening at the travel agency.


  The thief__ __ __ to the door and escape with the stolen jewels.


  It was obvious that he was__ __ the position of manager.


  A good politician knows how not to .

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空中美语 专栏


1. Through the grapevine间接地
an indirect, circuitous source of information; news, rumors passed on by word of mouth间接的消息来源,用口传说的消息或谣言
I learned through the grapevine about your engagement to John.我间接得知你和约翰订婚的消息。

2. Land得到
to get or secure a job or position得到一份工作,职位
Having graduated from Harvard Law School made it easy for Melissa to land a good job由于从哈佛法律学校毕业,相丽莎容易找到一份好工作。告诉某人

3. Fill someone in告诉某人
to provide someone with necessary information供给某人必要的消息
Pete, could you fill me in On what happened at Eva's party ?彼特你能告诉我在伊娃家的宴会上发生了什么事吗?

4. Tip内幕消息
news or helpful information that is not widely known不是众人皆知的消息或有用的情报
An old Indian gave us a tip about a good place to go fishing.一位老印第安人告诉我们一个好钓场的秘密消息。

5. Make a beeline直接去
to take the most direct and quickest route to a place采取最快最直接的途径去一个地方
When the police arrived at the jewelry store, the thief made a beeline to the backdoor and escaped with the loot.当警察赶到珠宝店时,小偷带着脏物直接由后门逃走了

6. Buck for求得
seek to obtain想得到
Douglas made it obvious that he was bucking for the position of director at the institute.道格拉斯明白表示他在争取研究所所长的职位

7. Step on someone's toes冒犯某人
to offend someone ( usually occurs in the negative )触犯某人(通常以否定形式出现)
A good politician knows how to always say the right thing at the right time and never step on anyone's toes.一边好政治家知道如何在适当的时机说合适的话并绝不冒犯别人。


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