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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 活用美国俚语:一册第2课

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/01/24 23:12  空中美语


  Jack:Jane! Come in,You sure are a sight for sore eyes.I haven’t seen you for such a long time.

  Jane:Thank you,Jack.I’m so glad you called to invite me here.I hadn’t heard from you for so long.

  J:That’s because I had been travelling so much for my job.I really got tired of living out of a suitcase.

  J:It must be nice to be back hereswheresyou have a place that you can call your own.

  J:It sure is.

  J:Mmmm.What are you cooking? Just smelling it makes my mouth water.

  J:It’s a very delicious food.I made plenty so that We can eat to our heart’s content.

  J:Great,That’s my favorite!

  Sentence Patterns句型练习:



  You sure are a__ __ __ __ .


  I haven’t__ __ him for so long.


  He got tired of__ __ __ __ __,so he was glad to be home.


  He is glad to have a place that he can__ __ __.


  Just smelling it__ __ __ __ .


  We can eat__ __ __ __ .

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空中美语 专栏


1. Sight for sore eyes令人看到就高兴的人或物
a welcome person,whom one hasn’t seen for a long time;a thing which is a pleasure to see一个受欢迎的人,某人与他久未谋面;赏心悦目之物
Hi,Jack! You are a sight for sore eyes!嗨,杰克!看到你真高兴。2. Hear from由…接到信

receive communication from自(某人处)接到信
We only hear from our son once a month.我们一个月只收到儿子的一封信。3. Live out of a suitcase携带简便行李
said of people traveling whose only belongings are those that they bring with them指所有物质有随身携带的物品之旅行者
Travelling is great if you don’t mind living out of a suitcase.如果你不介意只携带简便物品的话,旅行实在是很好的。4. Call one's own属于自己所有

to possess;to own持有;拥有
After her older sister got married and left home,she finally had a room to call her own.她姊姊结婚并离开家后,她终于有了自己的房间。

5. Make one’s mouth water使人垂涎
lit:produce saliva--stimulate desire for something使渴望某物
Seeing the roast beef made the guests' mouths water.看到了烤牛肉,客人们不禁垂涎三尺。

6. Do to one's heart’s content尽情地
do something as much as one wants to如所愿地做某事
Sunday is his favorite day of the week because then he can sleep to his heart’s content.一星期中他最喜欢的是星期天,因为他可以尽情地睡觉。


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