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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 活用美国俚语:二册第3课

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/01/31 14:48  空中美语


  Mary: Aren't you worried about your presentation at tomorrow's staff meeting?

  Bob: Yes, I hope I haven't bitten off more than I can chew; but I think I'll be able to hold my own.

  M: That's good! But I bet you'll be glad to get it over with.

  B: Yes, and if it goes well, it'll be a real feather in my cap at work.

  M: Well, I certainly wil I keep my fingers crossed for you,but I know you have it in you to do a good job!

  B: Thanks, Mary, I sure hope so.

  Sentence Patterns句型练习:



  I hope I don't__ __ __ __ __ __ __.



  I think I'll be able to__ __ __ .


  I bet you'll be glad to__ __ __ __ .


  It will be a __ __ __ __.


  I certainly will__ __ __ __ .


  I don't think I __ __ __ __to do a good job.

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空中美语 专栏


1. Bite off more than one can chew承担超乎个人能力的事
undertake something which is beyond one'scapacity or power从事某人能力所不及的事
When she said she would do the job I think she bit off more than she could chew.当她说她将要做这份工作时,我想她是在做超越她的能力的事。

2. Hold one's own承担超乎个人能力的事
undertake something which is beyond one'scapacity or power从事某人能力所不及的事
When she said she would do the job I think she bit off more than she could chew.当她说她将要做这份工作时,我想她是在做超越她的能力的事。

3. Get something over with结束
terminate,finish in order to be free from终结;为摆脱某事物而结束...
He had been studying so diligently for his exams and was really glad to get them over with.为了考试,她始终很用功读书,他很高兴考试终于结束了。

4. Feather in one's cap某人引以为傲之物
a triumph胜利
If he wins this big contract for his company,it will be a big feather in his cap.假使他能为公司争取到这笔大生意,这将是他的一大功劳。

5. keep one's fingers crossed祈求平安;祈祷
hope(through crossing the fringers superstitiously)that things will turn out well希望事情进行顺利
She should have no problem driving in this rain, but let's keep our fringers crossed.在这雨天,她开车应该不会出问题,无论如何,我们还是为她祈祷吧。

6. Have it in one能够
be capable of有做...能力
The old woman just didn't have it in her to climb all those stairs anymore,so she had to move.那位年老的妇人不能爬上那些楼梯,所以她只好搬家。


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