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http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/02/01 14:28  空中美语


  Martie:Todd, you seem to know a thing or two about math.Can you help me?

  Todd:I’ll try.What's the trouble?

  M:Oh,it’s these calculus problems that my teacher assigned for homework.I can’t make any sense out of them,can you?

  T:I'm an old hand at calculus.Let me see.The function of two plus three equals two times ten divided by four to the sixth power,and…hmm…It's Greek to me, too.

  M:I guess the "old hand" is a little out of practice.

  T:Well,if neither of us can figure out the answer,then ten to one it's the teacher who made the mistake!

  Sentence Patterns句型练习:



  My mother __ __ __ __ __ __ math.


  I can __ __ __ __ __ these calculus problems.


  Todd is__ __ __at calculus.


  These calculus problems __ __ __ me.


  I used to know a lot of math but now I'm __ __ __.


  __ __ __the teacher made a mistake.

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空中美语 专栏


1. Know a thing or two about精明的;通晓万事的
be knowledgeable about博学的;精明的
Mark is a very good player and he knows a thing or two about coaching too.马克是一位很好的演员,同时,他也精通于教练演技。

2. Make sense out of了解
understand, figure out了解;理解
His Wife is the only one who can make sense out of his terrible handwriting.他的妻子是唯一能了解他那潦草的手稿的人。

3. An old hand老手
one who has experience有经验的人
If you have any questions about this,ask Martha.She’s an old hand.关于此事你若有任何问题,可向玛莎请教,她是老手。

4. Be Greek to莫名其妙的事
unintelligible to,be incomprehensible不能理解的;难懂的
I’ve studied Chinese for a long time,but It’s still Greek to me.我学中文已经学很久了,但我还是不懂中文。

5. Out of practice练习不够;技能退步
having lost one's former skill or knowledge because of not doing由于久未练习而失去先前所具有的技艺或知识
Since she was out of practice,she lost the ping-pong game.她由于练习不够,输了这场乒乓球赛。

6. Ten to one十之八九
very probably极有可能
He says he’s computer expert but ten to one he's never even touched a computer.他说他是电脑专家,但十之八九,他连电脑都没碰过。


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