1. Playing around
Kids like to play. Their play is meant to satisfy their need for learning through experimentation. This kind of play is also seen as a waste of time because it does not lead to anything constructive. Some adults, mostly men, still "play around". They do things that waste time and money just to satisfy their own childish behavior.
2. There you go
Imagine a mathematician hard at work trying to discover the next formula that will solve the mystery of the universe. Over a sandwich and a fruit juice with his friend, Bob, the mathematician suggests a possible answer without thinking. Bob thinks the idea is perfect and says, "There you go! It is the answer you have been searching for."
3. I get it
The truth is that people often have underlying motives, secret reasons for doing things. When you know the secret reason why your friend wanted you to do something then you can say, "I get it." It means that you now see why they wanted you to do it. In the dialogue, Julia wanted Sergio to be famous so that she could get free tickets to his concert.
4. Friends in high places
A "high place" is a position that has influential power. The president of a company is in a high place as is a government official. If they are your friends then you have friends with influential power. Sometimes it is convenient to have such friends. We all like to have friends in high places.
5. Cleaned up
This phrase is used very colloquially here. To "clean up" is to take most of the awards at a ceremony or function. The artist, of course, must be very talented insgroupsto win so many awards. They probably deserve them all. After so many statues are gone to one person the table is much cleaner. Hence the term "cleaned up".