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http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/02/01 15:12  新浪教育

  Brian:does that surprise u?

  Nikky:It doesn't surprise me, in a sense, u know, this kind of time will always end up(这一切终将会过去的), don't u think so?

  Brian:well, i guess so , but it's a tough time for the America Airlines, the world knows that this is the toughest(最艰难的) time in the history for America Airlines, nobody is willing to take the plane again.

  Nikky:well, they have gone through an unbelievable period here with many of their customers died, it's just a trauma(精神创痛) both including the United which hit the Pentagon(美国五角大楼,即美国的国防部,从上面俯看为五边型).

  Brian:but i can guess that the pilots(飞行员) on these planes , they must have training, they were trained to deal with crisis(被训练过怎样来处理危机), that's what they do, right? No matter a thunderstorm(暴风雪) or a weather event.

  Nikky:they were trained, their life and their job are just dealing with danger, with the crisis , but they have never met this magnitude before(但是他们从来没有碰到过这么大的危机,"magnitude"指"巨大,重要")

  Brian:there is always sth we can not control in the world(生活中总是有我们无法控制的事情)

  Nikky:and that the financial consequence(经济损失) of what happened of September 11 meant the plane corporate was going to have to downsize the company(缩减规模,即裁员。注:在和他们聊天的过程中,实际上就象和他们面对面交谈一样,我总能遇见一些不知道的或者不明白的事情,好歹还有词典,一查,原来这个词是这么用的呀,比如说谈到的"同居"我真不知道是用"snack up")

  Brian:i know a lot of plane workers were laid off

  Nikky:and they are going to furlough(暂时休假) a large number too

  Brian:what "furlough" mean? U get me here, is it the same with "laid off"

  Nikky:nearly, furlough means when the company is in financial problem, it has to cut down the expense to save the rest of the company, when the company is up(当公司有所好转后), those people can still come back, that's the only difference


  Nikky:yeah, temporarily

  Nikky:u are a quick learner!

  Brian:thanks for telling the words i've never met before, i even want to invite u for dinner if u were here in shanghai(你要在上海,我还真想请你吃顿饭)

  Nikky:u can't afford it, i'm a gorger(你请不起的,我很能吃的)

  Brian:does "gorger" mean someone who can eat a lot?

  Nikky:u can say that, Brian (对呀)

  Brian:well, just forget my invitation(那,还是忘了我的邀请吧)

  Nikky:your nut, i know who u are , a mean man(你这么抠呀), u don't know that i'm just kidding, it's only two times when a woman tell a man that she is a gorger.



  The plane corporate was going to have to downsize the company(很多飞机公司都准备裁员)

英文ICQ狂聊记录§3.3(2002/02/01/ 15:30)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§3.4(2002/02/01/ 15:29)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§3.5(2002/02/01/ 15:28)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§3.6(2002/02/01/ 15:27)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§3.1(2002/02/01/ 15:13)
Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录 专题



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