Brian:what's that
Nikky:either she is a nerd(神经病) or liar(骗子)
Brian:so u are a liar, great kidder u are
Brian:me too, baby J
Nikky:don't call me baby, i'm much older than u
Brian:are u telling me that i'm just allowed to call baby to those younger my age?
Nikky:ok, i'm not saying that, if u like it the way, i have nothing to say to u, J
Brian:so u accept me calling u BABY
Brian:what do u do in your leisure time, Nikky, when u get tired about your work and the online business, what u do in your weak time?
Nikky:i spent some time on basketball, u know, in the university, we have a big gym(健身房) and once in a while i play basketball there to wake myself up a little(提神)
Brian:u surprise me, in China, basketball is actually some sort of men game, how are u involved in it?(篮球这玩意儿是男人玩的,你怎么会喜欢呢)
Brian:are u there? (有几分钟她没有回应)
Brian的感触:美国人比较喜欢运动,athletic,不管男女,这一点是我们要看齐的。美国的三大运动你知道么? |