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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 英文ICQ狂聊记录§3.8

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/02/10 16:52  新浪教育

  Brian:so u know the difference.

  Nikky:thanks for telling me the huge difference between man and woman.

  Brian:My pleasure.

  Nikky:single women complain that all good men are married, while all married women complain about their lousy husbands. This confirms that there is no such thing as a good man.(单身女人埋怨世界上的好男人都结婚了,而结婚的女人却都嫌自己老公邋遢,那好男人都到哪去了)

  Brian:is she not satisfied with Jordan? I just wonder is there any other man in this world she can take to(喜欢,口语).

  Nikky:just forget it.

  Brian:alright. Are u tired?

  Nikky:a little bit.

  Brian:just a little bit? Tell me the truth.

  Nikky:well, the truth is I get to go to bed and need some sleep, what time is it now in Shanghai, Brian?

  Brian:It's late, so maybe we can call it a day?

  Nikky:alright, a productive day(很有成果的一天). You tell me a lot of things that I never know before, hope see u soon, my friend.

  Brian:nice talking to u too. Have a sound sleep(睡个好觉), Nikky.

  Nikky:i will, u too. Have a good day.

  Brian:ok, bye, Nikky.

  Nikky:bye, my friend.

  绝对高级对比句:Single women complain that all good men are married, while all married women complain about their lousy husbands. This confirms that there is no such thing as a good man.(单身女人埋怨世界上的好男人都结婚了,而结婚的女人却都嫌自己老公邋遢,那好男人都到哪去了)

英文ICQ狂聊记录§3.7(2002/02/10/ 16:53)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§3.3(2002/02/01/ 15:30)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§3.4(2002/02/01/ 15:29)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§3.5(2002/02/01/ 15:28)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§3.6(2002/02/01/ 15:27)
Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录 专题



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