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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 英文ICQ狂聊记录§3.7

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/02/10 16:53  新浪教育

  Brian:Here is a story about a guy who loves drinking so much. Every afternoon the guy goes into the bar and orders 4 hots of scotch(一种烈性酒) at the same time, then proceeds to drink them all. One day the bartender(酒保) asks him why he orders all 4 at once and the guy replies that he has 3 brothers who do the same thing every day at the same time so that they can all have a drink together no matter where they are. One day the guy comes in and only orders 3 shots. Well the bartender thinking the worst asks the guy if one of his brothers had passed away(去世). U know what he say, Nikky?

  Nikky:The guy laughs and says "No it's me, I quit drinking."

  Brian:Smart! I am not a good drinker, even a little drinking will made me flush.(一小杯酒就能让我上脸)

  Nikky:Me too, so we don't care about that drinking or gossip stuff, what we want to see is how he's doing in the board(球场), that's the point.(美国人才不管你的什么私生活呢,他们看重的是在球场的表现)

  Brian:What's unusual is he can still bring up with a high performance in the board, that's really fantastic!

  Nikky:He is what he was yesterday(今如昨昔), and it is hard for a 38 year old man to keep that.

  Brian:Maybe he just don't know how to compliment(取悦) her wife after such a long period time of marriage, he wants a divorce and so does his wife.

  Nikky:It's easier to compliment a woman than to compliment a man

  Brian:No, I really doubt it.

  Nikky:Why say that?

  Brian:Well, to compliment(取悦) a woman, there're a thousand things to do, let me give u just a few exampless: u got to

  cuddle(抚抱) her,

  kiss her,

  caress(宠爱) her,

  love her,

  stroke her,

  tease her,

  comfort her,

  protect her,

  hug her,

  hold her,

  spend money on her,

  wine & dine her,

  buy things for her,

  listen to her,

  care for her,

  stand by her,

  support her,

  go to the ends of the earth for her....

  But to impress a man:

  show up naked.

  .... with Beer

  Nikky:Crazy u are!


英文ICQ狂聊记录§3.8(2002/02/10/ 16:52)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§3.3(2002/02/01/ 15:30)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§3.4(2002/02/01/ 15:29)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§3.5(2002/02/01/ 15:28)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§3.6(2002/02/01/ 15:27)
Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录 专题



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