You know emails are fast. Why not make them even faster? Learn the cyber language of the chat room. It's Gr8 (great). It's not geekspeak<注1> we're talking about, but Netspeak.<注2> And when you getsintostext messaging on your mobile, knowing a bit of Netspeak will certainly save time.
Want to join in a conversation in a chat room? A simple PMFJI before typing is a polite way of butting in.<注3> (PMFJI=Pardon Me For Jumping In)
Want some info<注4> on who you are talking to? A/S/L will give you some idea of your cyber mate.(A/S/L=Age/Sex/Location)
If you're the reasonably humble type, enter FWIW before you inflict<注5> your views on others. (FWIW =For What It's Worth)
The New "In-Crowd"
Social psychologists say it is natural for the new generation to use a new language for a new technology. Young people want to write as fast as possible and get their ideas across as quickly as they can. Plus, using the new lingo (language) shows how cool you are! You are up with the play<注6> concerning the latest trends. And at least for this year, until text messaging spreads, to be using the 'language' of your generation gives you a certain hip<注7> exclusivity.
"What Are U Saying?"
With the rapid-entry lingo of text messaging, punctuation and capital letters are biting the dust.<注8> It just takes too much time to type in that comma. bsides which u can still undrstd wht im saying, cant u?
"Code breaking"
The downside of this new cyber language is that your emails, chat room chats and your text messages can look like a code for spies from World WarⅡ. But, no problem. Click onto for a 1400 entry-long list of 'netcronyms'<注9> and you'll be :). (:) =smiling =:))
Here are a few basic messaging terms to start you off.
CUL8R See you later (at the end)
FWIW For what it's worth
GTG Got to go (at the end)
GMTA Great minds think alike
Gr8 Great
IMHO In my humble opinion
JKLYK Just to let you know
L8 Late
L8R Later
LOL Laugh out loud or lots of laughter
Msg Message
OIC Oh I see
PLS Please
PMFJI Pardon me for jumping in
RUOK Are you OK?
THX Thanks
TTYL Talk to you later
:) Happy, smiling
;) Wink
: -o Surprised
:( Sad