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I am not the fashionable type
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/02/15 15:08  《英语学习》

  My attitude toward the personal computer

  From time to time I receive PC magazines from well-meaning editors. Reading them, I recognize the individual characters, but the whole thing is Greek to me. When faced with such publications, I think to myself, "They might as well send newspapers or magazines to an illiterate." I hate to say it, but I have to confess I don't even know how to type, much less how to surf the Internet. Several times I've tried to learn to use a computer and each time I gave up in the end, for it is not really very user-friendly. I was afraid of all mechanical devices, afraid of the keyboard and the mouse with its jumpy cursor. I was consoled by the fact that my colleague, Bai Yansong, another prime time TV host, also wrote his scripts by hand. He told me that feeling the point of the pen touching the surface of the paper gave him a kind of pleasure. I had the same feeling and found it a good excuse not to use a computer. By 1999, however, I no longer felt this attitude was justified. One day I went to my supervisor's home to hand in an article which was hand-written and a little sloppily done. Hearing my apology, the wife of my supervisor said, "It doesn't matter. I can type it out on my computer."

  "You can use a computer?"

  "Sure. I learned to use it when I was 70."

  I was so surprised that I wasn't able to utter a single word. Once out of their flat, I made up my mind for the one-hundredth time to start learning to use a computer. I still had Bai Yansong to keep me company, but once he started learning to use the computer, he would pick it up very fast and then I would be really isolated, wouldn't I?

  My English

  This is a heart-breaking topic for me. When I graduated from university, I knew only the first seven letters of the English alphabet—A to G—which I used as ordinal numbers like 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or I, II, III, IV.... Like many of the university students from factories, communes and the PLA, I had not been taught any foreign language. While I was working I was preparing to take the exam for post-graduate studies. For this purpose I asked my elder sister to teach me English. Being a professional English translator, she was extremely dissatisfied with me, a highly motivated pupil. "You are the slowest student I've ever taught," she once remarked. Later, I attended night school, the Open University, and crash courses, spending nearly all my spare time on English. After failing twice, my name finally appeared on the list of successful candidates. However, it was quite a pity that in my later days, as I seldom had the opportunity to use my English, it began to fade away bit by bit. Today I've almost completely forgotten it. I feel as if I should apologize to my former self for not living up to expectations.

  My attitude toward the cell phone

  For those in my trade, pagers and cell phones are a must, and are issued by the work unit. The first cell phone issued to me seemed only capable of local calls. It was a heavy black thing that took up almost one third of the space of my handbag. At that time I would always feel a little embarrassed when using it because once I heard "a high-class person" say: "A woman fishing out a beeper or a cell phone gives you the feeling that she is a spy." I particularly hated the Chinese slang term for cell phone, dageda big brother? Fortunately, people later began to call it by its proper name, shouji and phone?

  Nowadays cell phones are getting smaller and smaller while the area they cover is getting larger and larger. Each time there is a big story, my boss at the TV station will issue the order: all reporters and presenters, make sure your cell phones and pagers are on all the time! Return immediately when called or paged! Beep! Beep! Beep! Ring! Ring! Ring! Can you imagine how we could possibly do our job without them?

  (Translated by Guohua Chen and Joana Wang)











  关于电脑:这里的意思是‘我对电脑的态度’My attitude toward the personal computer。

  好心的: well-meaning‘出于好意’比kind-hearted‘心地善良’好。

  电脑报刊:这类刊物一般是周刊或月刊,不是报纸,所以译为PC magazines。

  面对: When faced with,不能译为in the face of,后者面对的是困难、麻烦等。

  每个字都认识、就是看不懂的天书:这个句子不宜按原来的定语从句来译,因为“字”和“书”的关系不好处理,因此可变换句型,译为Reading them, I recognize the individual characters , but the whole thing is Greek to me或直译为as incomprehensible to me as a book from Heaven.

  这不是给文盲寄报刊吗?:直译是Isn't it the same as sending newspapers and magazines to an illiterate?灵活一点的译法可以是They might as well send newspapers and magazines to an illiterate.

  说来惭愧:意思是‘我不愿意说,但又不得不承认’I hate to say it, but I have to confess,译成I am ashamed to confess似乎语气过重。

  别说: much less或let alone。

  上网:这里似乎应译为surf the Internet‘在网上漫游’而不是简单的get online‘上网’。

  连打字都不会: I don't even know how to type.也可理解为‘我连打字机都不会用’I don't even know how to use a typewriter.英语必须先把这半句话译过来。

  走近:直译是approach a computer,实际意思是learn to use a computer。

  离开:如果前面是approach,这里可以说shied away from it,实际意思是give up。

  不让我感到亲近: it doesn't exactly give one a friendly feeling.用计算机术语就是it is not really very user-friendly.

  机器:这里最好按‘机械装置’mechanical devices理解,因为下面提到的都不是机器,而是‘机械装置’。

  键子:这里应指键盘keyboard而不是keys。蹦来蹦去的鼠标:这里如直译为the mouse,则鼠标本身并不“蹦来蹦去”,因此按‘带有蹦来蹦去光标的鼠标’the mouse with its jumpy cursor理解。

  让我感到安慰的是: I was consoled by the fact that,comfort也有‘安慰’的意思,但意思似乎比console更具体。

  白岩松:由于英文读者不会知道白岩松是谁,所以要给译文增加点信息,译为Bai Yansong, another prime time TV host或a colleague of mine。


  笔尖触着纸的感觉:意思是‘感觉到笔尖触着纸’feeling the point of the pen touching the surface of the paper。

  是种享受:意思是‘给他一种享受’gave him a kind of pleasure,或‘对他来说是一种享受’was a kind of pleasure for him。也可以说He enjoyed feeling ...。

  一个说法儿:也就是‘一个不学用电脑的好借口’a good excuse not to use a computer。

  心安理得:也就是‘感到这种态度有道理,说得过去’feel this attitude was justified。

  师母:这里的“师”不是teacher,而是supervisor或chief editor之类。稿子是要送给老师看,但可能老师不在家,所以说“给师母送”,为了绕开“老师”和“师母”问题,这里可以说go to my supervisor's home。

  送:这里的“送”只能按‘交’hand in理解。

  稿子:这里的“稿子”可理解为‘文章’an article或‘草稿’the draft of an article。

  有点儿乱:意思是‘有点潦草’a little sloppily done,不能译为chaotic。

  师母说:在“师母说”之前,最好添上Hearing my apology这句话。

  在电脑上打出来:可直接译为type it out on my computer.

  “您?”:单说一个You?也可以,但显得有些突兀,不妨译为You can use a computer?

  学的: learned to use it或learned it。


  一下子没了话:也就是‘一句话也说不出来’I wasn't able to utter a single word。这句话也可以简单地译成I was dumbfounded.

  出了门:英语强调‘门’时才说out of the door,如rush out of the door。这里的意思还是‘出了他们家’once out of their flat。

  第100次下决心: I made up my mind for the one-hundredth time,不宜译为I made my 100th resolution.‘我下了第100个决心’。

  该学电脑了: to start learning to use a computer,“该”字的意思无法译出来。

  白岩松一旦学来:这一句出现的比较突然,最好在译文里增加一句话作为铺垫,I still had Bai Yansong to keep me company, but once he started learning ...。

  进步飞快:意思是‘飞快地学会’he'll pick it up very fast。

  关于外语:首先,这里的外语就是英语,其次,这里不仅是‘我’对英语的态度,而且包含‘我’学英语的经历和‘我’目前的英语水平,因此译为My English。

  伤心话题: a heart-breaking topic for me。是当1、2、3、4,甲、乙、丙、丁用的:这里“1、2、3、4,甲、乙、丙、丁”的意思是‘序数词’ordinal numbers,因此要用1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or I, II, III, IV...。


  工农兵学员: students from factories, communes and the PLA或worker-peasant-soldier students。

  有很多没有上过外语课:这里的意思是‘我跟……一样,没有上过外语课’Like many of ... , I had not been taught any foreign language.“没有上过”不是有课他们没有上,而是没有人教过他们。

  考研: take the exam for post-graduate studies/an MA course。拜我姐为师学英语:为了增强连贯,可在译文里先加一个目的状语For this purpose,“我拜……为师学……”就是I asked sb to teach me sth。在其他情况下,“拜某人为师”可以译为to become officially sb's pupil或to sit at sb's feet。

  虔诚的学生:这里的“学生”是‘小学生’a highly motivated/ devout pupil。

  在我教过的学生里,你最笨:“You are the slowest student I've ever taught.或Of all the students I have taught, you are the slowest.

  上夜校: I attended night school.

  电大:即‘广播电视大学’,国内通常译为Radio and Television University或TV University,英国管这种大学叫the Open University。

  补习班: crash courses‘速成班’或remedial courses。

  几乎把所有的业余时间都用在: devoting nearly all my spare time to English learning/spending nearly all my spare time on English。经过两次名落孙山:也就是‘两次不及格之后’After failing twice。

  榜上有名: my name finally appeared on the list of successful candidates或I finally passed/ made it.

  可惜的是: However, it was quite a pity that或Unfortunately。

  后来的日子: in my later days,英语这里需要点明是谁的日子。

  用不着英语:意思是‘由于很少有机会用我的英语’as I seldom had the opportunity to use my English。

  就一点点忘掉:这里最好以“英语”为主语,用fade away‘淡漠’译“忘掉”,it began to fade away bit by bit.

  今天的我,真对不起当年的我: I feel as if I should apologize to my former self for not living up to expectations.或How unworthy I am of my early efforts in learning it.

  干我们这一行的: For those in my trade/ For those who take up journalism as a profession/For us journalists。

  BP机: Beeper的译名,比beeper正式一点的名字叫pager‘呼机’。

  手机: the cell phone,全称叫cellular phone,英国叫mobile phone。

  必备的工具: a must。

  “组织”上:“组织”是“党组织”的简称,其引申义是‘工作单位’the work unit。

  只能打市内电话: only capable of local calls。

  沉甸甸、黑乎乎的:英文似乎只能按‘是个又沉又黑的玩意儿’来译—It was a heavy black thing。

  包:既然敬一丹是位女士,她的“包”就只能是handbag或clutch bag。

  打:就是‘用’when using it。

  有点儿不好意思: feel a little embarrassed。

  很有品位的人:这里的“品位”可以是‘修养’a highly cultivated person,‘阶层’a high-class person,或‘欣赏水平’a sophisticated person。


  掏: fishing out。

  女特务: a spy。

  不喜欢:即‘讨厌’hate。“大哥大”这个名字:这里要标明“大哥大”是汉语俚语the Chinese slang term for cell phone, dageda 'big brother'。

  它后来老老实实叫手机了: people later began to call it by its proper name—shouji 'hand phone'。也可以说it later was given the proper name—shouji 'hand phone'。


  越来越远:应该说getting larger and larger,而不是getting farther and farther。另外larger和前面的smaller也形成对照。

  每逢大事报道:即‘每次有重大新闻’Each time there is a big story/ breaking news.

  头儿:最好点明是电视台的头儿my boss at the TV station。

  命令: issue the order。

  主持人: presenters。

  必须时刻打开手机:即‘确保手机时刻处于开着的状态’make sure your cell phones and beepers/pagers are on all the time

  召之即来!: Return immediately when called or beeped/paged!

  嘀嘀嘀: Beeper是从拟声词beep发展而来的,这里要用beep。


  我们怎么干活儿?:how we could possibly do our job without them?

  I Am Not the Fashionable Type

  (敬一丹文 国华、琼琼译注)

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《英语学习》2002年1期 专题



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