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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(二) > 英文ICQ狂聊记录§4.2

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/02/20 08:24  新浪教育

  Brian:thanks, u know when people say sth good about me , what I can say is always‘thanks'(每当人们称赞我的时候,我总是说谢谢)

  Nikky:u have a good attitude, my friend(你心态很好,Brian)


  Nikky:so what u do , Brian, besides talking to me(那Brian,你除了和我谈话以外平时都做什么)

  Brian:much simpler than u , I search the some information for my job and wrote some reports , after work , I can be free with my friends and watch the movies (比你简单多了,工作时候在市场情报部,收集一些市场信息,写一些报告,工作以外,和朋友在一起,看看电影什么的)

  Nikky:that's cool(很酷。【注】你若经常上icq,一定会碰到老外这么说)

  Brian:I told u that, I like movies , I can bet that no one in our company has seen as much movies as I do, blockbuster movies(大制作电影,大片) particularly(我告诉过你,我喜欢电影,我敢打赌我们公司没有一个人看电影有我多,特别是大片)

  Nikky:who do u like best in the Hollywood(好莱坞的演员你最喜欢哪个)

  Brian:there're a lot of people who really did a good job(我喜欢的有很多,很多人演的都很不错), some movie actors may not be in the top famous rank, but still perform very well.(有些演员不一定特别出名,但演技确实非常棒)

  Nikky:like? (比如?)

  Brian:I just watched a movie yesterday which is going to open next week in Shanghai(我刚刚看了一部电影,它将于下周在上海公映), the main actors'names are Jim Caviezel and Jennifer Lopez(男女主角分别是吉姆.卡维泽和詹妮佛.洛佩兹)

  Nikky:how could u saw it before its opening(片子还没公映怎么你就看了呢.【注】外国人对中国的VCD盗版市场当然不知道)


  I like movies, blockbuster movies(大制作电影,大片), particularly

  Some movie actors may not be in the top famous rank, but still performing very well.(有些演员不一定特别出名,但演技确实非常棒)

  The new movie is going to open next week.(这部新影片下周公映【注】马上找个外国朋友试验一下)

英文ICQ狂聊记录§10.7(2002/04/19/ 13:08)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§10.5(2002/04/17/ 14:33)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§10.6(2002/04/17/ 14:31)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§10.1(2002/04/15/ 14:59)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§10.2(2002/04/15/ 14:57)
Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(二) 专题



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