Brian: and I saw US is about to take a war with Iraq these days. (我听说美国又要打伊拉克了)
Nikky: we have been pressing Iraq for the last several years. (我们一直对伊拉克施加压力)【注】她也转的比较快,能够和我很快的进入下一个话题
Brian: since when?
Nikky: since when they, Saddam threw the inspectors (检查员)out, to let the inspectors back in.
Brian: the inspectors were not welcome there, what u think?【注】美国的检查员在伊拉克当然不受欢迎,人家的领土你凭什么来检查?
Nikky: but they were not there to do anything harmful to the Iraqi people.
Brian: but they don’t think so, they think that u are just World policeman. (但是他们不这么想,他们认为美国是世界警察)
Nikky: we were there to make sure, that they had given up weapons of mass destruction(大规模杀伤性武器) activity.
Brian: and u see the results?
Nikky: I don’t know, we have some economic sanctions.【注】威胁不行,就动用制裁手段
Brian: and with your British counterpart.
Nikky: yes.
Brian: if there is no compromise, there will be a sanction(如果没有妥协的话,就会受到制裁)
Nikky: yes.
Brian: but the Iraqi people are hurt
Nikky: no, we have a lot of medicine, food , we give them
Brian: medicine goes in.
Nikky: medicine, food, because we don’t want to hurt the Iraqi people.
Brian: but this time is different, I, or any normal Chinese people could see the determination.
Nikky: and the British…..
Brian: u know, whenever I ask the Americans that I know about the politics, we are likely to have some different views.【注】确实是这个样子,每次和美国人谈到有关政治性的话题时,总会或多或少的产生一些分歧,此乃正常,我们受到的新闻舆论和导向是不一样的,但这次和Nikky稍微触及美国即将要撂倒伊拉克的行动,感觉其实分歧并不大。
Nikky: we’re not doing this to protect America, but to protect the region.【注】同样的话,不止Nikky一个人对我说过,这也许是美国一贯的幌子。