Nikky:yes, so what about China, any room to lower the rate?(中国情况怎么样,有没有调低利率的可能)
Brian:well, seems that u are asking a economist!(你好象在问一个经济学家一样)
Nikky:u do, Brian, tell me something about Chinese market.(你是呀,Brian,告诉我一些中国市场的情况.)
Brian:We need foreign investors to continue to come in here and invest in the China.(我们需要外国投资者继续到中国来投资.这又是我跟她胡诌的,官话谁都会说)
Nikky:that's reasonable(可以理解)
Brian:and in terms of the interest rates, i don't think is there any room to go down, it's already down enough, and we need to start spending money, come up with the consumption (关于利率,我想不会有太大的下降空间,已经很低了,我们现在需要的是消费)
Nikky:consumption on what?(消费什么)
Brian:consumption on the companies to have earnings that go up, because if earnings don't go up, these stocks are not going to continue up.
Brian:and during the past two years, we had in China the hope of technology to
keep us going, we had the .COM, the internet, but now, most of them are
near bankruptcy, the left is elite(在过去两年里,我们中国希望以科技带动生产力,于是我们有了.COM,网络公司,但现在大多数网络公司已经不存在,最后留下的都是精英)
Nikky:the same in America, those which can bear the trouble will recover
Brian:alright, we really spend a good time discussing sth good and hope can have
the same talk with u soon, i get go and have a meeting, may i stop here?(好吧,我们讨论了很多好的话题,希望能和你尽快再次相遇,我要去开会了,今天就到这里了?)
Nikky:sure, take care(保重!) , Brian.
Brian:J , bye
Brian的小结:关于Take care这句话,有时候也可以表示反意,威胁某人的意思。我记得很早的时候看过迈克尔.道格拉斯演的一部电影,具体情节已经记不清了,大致是迈克尔的老婆跟别人好上了,结果那人是个无赖,装的很绅士,把自己和迈克尔老婆上床的镜头偷拍下来讹诈迈克,迈克尔把钱送给那个绅士时,笑着盯着那人的眼睛平静地说:“you take care!”,用中国话就是“你他妈给我小心点!”,果然那人一路狂奔,坐汽车又坐火车,以为逃的无影无踪,结果在火车上数钱的时候被早已等候在火车上的迈克尔一刀捅死,这部电影除了教会我“take care”这个词的高级用法外,它还让我明白了一个道理--那就是永远不要勾搭别人的老婆。