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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(二) > 英文ICQ狂聊记录§5.4

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/02/20 08:33  新浪教育

  Nikky:clear, here in Nasdaq and Dow we can see kind of things very normal(在Nasdaq或者道琼斯,这种情况很常见)

  Brian:I know(我知道)

  Nikky:u got to risk(你得去冒险)

  Brian:yeah, if u want to make money, u have the risk everywhere, some companies in china is actually a bull-shit, there is no value here, there are no earnings, but the people in the street(老百姓) just don't the tip(是呀,你想赚钱你就必须冒险,很多中国公司实际上是一团糟,更本就没有什么价值可言,但是我们老百姓却不知道内情【注】tip,内幕).

  Nikky:perhaps they should jump off as quickly as possible if their stocks are in trouble(也许一旦他们的股票遇到麻烦,应该马上抛出)

  Brian:those people who buy in and never, ever sell are definitely in trouble(那些只买进总想着升打死也不卖出的人肯定会有麻烦的).

  I personally want to know if it's the same in America? I want to know who is safe in the current slump, or crush?(我问了她美国的情况怎么样)

  Nikky:Safe has a lot with your own personality.(这在很大程度上取决于你个人的人品和性格)

  Brian:that differs a lot, everyone is different(这个因人而异)

  Nikky:and with your own money, with how much can you afford to lose, how much can you afford to risk?(也跟你有多少资金,你的损失承受能力和冒险能力有关,你到底能承受多大的风险?)

  Brian:so what is safe to u now, Nikky, just stay away from the stock?(对你来说,什么是安全的呢?)

  Nikky:Safe, today, to me, truthfully, are still the good quality stocks: your Dow Jones stocks, your blue-chip stocks, your stocks like IBM, Johnson & Johnson, your energy stocks, health stocks. Stocks like that are safe stocks. They are earning money.(Nikky教了我一个道理,真正安全的股票是那些蓝筹股,象IBM,强生,能源和健康类股票,因为这些公司是真正做事的公司,它们有赢利可能。)

  Brian:are u telling me that if they could earn money for themselves, they can earn money for you?. (你的意思是因为只有公司自己赚钱了,才能给投资者回报?)

  Nikky:yeah, it is really that simple. Even it was now the worst performance for a year in the Dow history in 20 years (是的,就这么简单。尽管这是道琼斯20年历史上最差的表现)

  Brian:and the worst performance in Nasdaq history?(这是Nasdaq最差的表现了吧)


  Brian:i've heard 49 percent of US households are invested in stocks(我听说美国有49%的家庭用户炒股.【注】其实我想问的是“美国是不是有49%的家庭在股市赔了钱”)

  Nikky:that's right(对)

  Brian:that's unprecedented(这个比例前所未有的高), right?

  Nikky:that's unprecedented(是前所未有)

  Brian:just like here in Shanghai, a lot of people invested in the stock market, but the truth is we sometimes don't know what we're invested in.(就象上海,很多人炒股,但事实是有时候我们自己都不知道我们在炒什么)

  Nikky:Greenspan had a say like“if u yourself don't think it's a good time to be in the stock, stay away from it”(他说过‘如果你自己感觉到现在不合适在股市里,就最好远离股市')

  Brian:Alan Greenspan?(格林斯番?)

  Nikky:right, he might as well do something about this(是的,他应该做点什么了,为美国经济)

  Brian:lower the interest rates?(调低利率【注】用台湾的话说调降利率)


  Brian:to spur the economy(刺激经济)


  Brian:seems that the only way to spur the economy is to lower the interest rates, we can't count how many times that Greespan did that for America this year, 7 or 8 times?(看来刺激经济的唯一方法就是调低利率了,我们都数不清今年Greespan到底降了几次息了)

  Nikky:8, but we still need to get one more.(8次,但还会再有一次)

  Brian:even we saw that recently things start to start up again(尽管我们现在看到事情有点起色.【注】如果让你说有点起色的话,你会怎么表达呢)

  Nikky:to make it more apparent, or to rev our engines for us here is lowering interest rates. He hopefully will lower it this week. I'm afraid that he waited at little bit too long.(说的更确切一些,就是通过调低利率使经济更具活力,他有望在本周再次调低利率,我想他等待的时间长了一点【注】好翻译的典范)

  Brian:Greenspan, in a sense, is more helpful for the America economy than the president, right?(在某些时候,对美国经济的贡献,Greenspan比美国总统还大) we Chinese think , he seems never failed to control the economy when it is in trouble, he always have a method, his special method


  Nikky:he is a good guy with a lot of responsibility for this country(他是个不错的人,肩负这个国家的很多责任)

  Brian:a good old man(一个老好人)but sometimes it's too hard to catch what he said, even his wife(但有时候很难搞明白他到底在说什么,即使他的老婆也不例外)


英文ICQ狂聊记录§10.7(2002/04/19/ 13:08)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§10.5(2002/04/17/ 14:33)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§10.6(2002/04/17/ 14:31)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§10.1(2002/04/15/ 14:59)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§10.2(2002/04/15/ 14:57)
Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(二) 专题



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