Nikky:what's the“B stock market”, used to open only for foreign investors within foreign currency?
Brian:your stock knowledge is surprising!(你的股票常识令我感到惊讶【注】surprising,非常棒的一个单词,举一反三:your Chinese is surprising!)
u are almost right, but the truth is any Chinese who has the the HK buy and sell the B stock, or the foreign passport, before the Brian:stock is open(实际上在B股未开放之前,一些人凭借手中的美元或者港元,及外国护照,照样暗地里炒B股)
Nikky:the Chinese must have a lot of savings in the bank(中国人一定存款很多)
Brian:especially foreign currency(尤其是外汇存款较多)
Nikky:so u put some your money in the B stock, Brian?(那你投资B股了?)
Brian:i wish i can(没有.【注】你今晚能来么? I wish I can.<不能来>)
Nikky:all in A ?(都在A股么)
And if stock's bad, the bonds will be good(如果股市不好的话,一般债市表现就很好.【注】这一点不知道正不正确,经济学家比我更清楚,先问问她吧)
Nikky:Bonds were fabulous(非常好). Last year, do you know that Treasury bonds(【注】国债,每个人都知道国债是国家发行的,向咱老百姓借钱。英文叫“treasury bonds”), in the 11 months of the last year 2000, went up 11 percent? (去年11个月中,国债上升了11%)
Brian:so the government was the safest investment(政府是最可靠的投资对象)
Nikky:the government was the safest, but also, as interest rates go up, the price of bonds go down, when interest rates come down, price of bonds go up, now, even in this year, if it were me, i would have my money in bonds for this year(投资政府是最可靠的,但同时当利率上升时,债券的价格就下降了,若利率下降,则债券价格升高,如果换做我的话,我会把我的钱放在债券市场。)
Brian:so u'd still sell? (卖出,股市用语)
Nikky:well, it's so hard to say, it depends what companies u are invested, if u are a company that was a good company, that is going to come back, that has good management, has revenues, it is making some money, it will recover(很难说,这要看你投资的是哪家公司,如果你投资的是一家不错的公司,有好的管理,有营收,并确实在挣钱,它会恢复的)
Brian:u believe it will come back?(你相信它们会恢复过来的?)
Nikky:yeah, surely(当然)
Brian:not including the Dot-com(但不包括.COM公司)
Nikky:yes, if u went in Dot-com, u went dot-broke(只要你沾网络公司的边,你就难于幸免)
Brian:it was really that simple?(就这么简单么)
Nikky:that simple(是的,就这么简单)
Brian的小结:在2000年前的中国,“刀康母”公司可谓牛气冲天,2000年,水分开始挤出,一大批“刀康母”公司菜园倒闭,也就是:“if u went in dot-com, u went dot-broke.”