BRIAN:hi, Nikky, see u again.
NIKKY:fine, my friend.
BRIAN:I haven't eaten yet, what about u, what did u eat today? (我还没有吃呢,你呢,你今天吃的什么?【注】很好的一个问候语!)
NIKKY:why not go out somewhere and eat sth , seems that don't have any appetite(胃口), I had my risotto(意大利调味饭) few mins ago, and eat something, brian.
BRIAN:what's risotto.
NIKKY:risotto is kind of Italian food, but here in new york, I just tried to make it the American way, (我试着用美国人的方式来做它)and u? what's going on with u.
BRIAN:nothing, just a little bit restless, u know, nikky, I got restless for this whole month.(这个月我很忙,【注】一个不同于busy的高级用法)
NIKKY:for work?
BRIAN:yeah, for work.
NIKKY:so does that mean u don't have too much time out there talking to me?(表示你现在没有时间和我在这里谈话了么?)
BRIAN:no, I'm not saying that, I need talk to u.(不,我不是这个意思,我需要和你聊)
NIKKY:wait for a minute, dinner time for my heather.(等我一会儿,我要给我的heather喂饭)
BRIAN:heather,your baby?(你的孩子么?)
NIKKY:no, my pet, a little dog, one of my truest friend , u know, kind of loyal and the one constant thing in my life.(不,我的宠物,一只小狗,我最亲爱的朋友,对我很忠心,在我生命中占有很重要的位置)
BRIAN:is it a he or she?(是公的还是母的?)