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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(二) > 英文ICQ狂聊记录§7.3

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/02/28 10:00  新浪教育

  Brian: I try not to fake it, I always like to do something I'm comfortable with, and I know that if I don't like to play golf, I'm never going to be a good golfer.(是呀,我试着不伪装自己,我总是喜欢做自己比较顺意的事情,我知道如果我不喜欢高尔夫的话,我永远也不能成为一个好的高尔夫球手)

  Nikky: so u will never be a good worker.(那你也永远不会成为一个好的员工)

  Brian: I am not a good worker inside myself, but the other people in the company don't know that.(我只是内心里想自己很差而已,公司其它人是不知道我心里真正想什么的)

  Nikky: that's a whole cover up. (【注】我想了半天也没有适合的中文把cover up翻出来,有没有人教教我?借口意思除外)

  Brian: yes, I try not to cover myself up, but the job is really , really not what I expect, I mean , sometimes.

  Nikky: have no achievement?(没有成就感?)

  Brian: no achievement, sometimes, I have to deal with the fake people, me, fake too.(有时真的没有成就感,我得去和那些虚伪的人打交道,我自己也是虚伪的)

  Nikky: does that mean your coworkers are not supporting u? (你是说同事们不配合你的工作么)

  Brian: no, we are getting along with each other very well.(不,我们相处的非常好)

  Nikky: what about there's a business issue and u disagree. (如果出现什么事情,你们互持异议怎么办)

  Brian: well, we negotiate , and reach some agreements,but even if this disagrees happened, not like u're hurting your friend, u are not supporting them, this is not----- u come to the office to do the job.(我们会协商一下,然后达成一个结论,即使真的有不同意见,并不是说就伤害到朋友,不支持朋友,不是这样的――你到办公室是来工作的呀)

  Nikky: well , that's the fact.

  Brian: and can't change that.

  Nikky: but this is not u want. (但这不是你想要的)

  Nikky: look on the bright side , my friend, by and large you're one of those roles because that's the way they see u.(往好的方面想想吧,我的朋友,至少在别人眼中,你仍然是你呀)

  Brian: yes, and sorry to make u down for that.(对不起,让你也有点Down了)

  N: no, u are not making me down, u make me know sth differ than before.(不,你没让我失望,你让我知道了跟以前不一样的事情)

  Brian: yeah, I talked to u, and I like u.

  Nikky: :)

  【Brain小结】以前有个CNN的记者在采访NBA的篮球运动员罗德曼的时候,当时罗德曼刚刚被炒鱿鱼,非常不满自己受到的待遇,向媒体大倒苦水,说都是他们指教练和俱乐部的人一起合伙整他,有一句话很让我印象深:it's a whole cover up--全是借口!,想不到同样的话Nikky也向我重复了一遍。

英文ICQ狂聊记录§10.7(2002/04/19/ 13:08)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§10.5(2002/04/17/ 14:33)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§10.6(2002/04/17/ 14:31)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§10.1(2002/04/15/ 14:59)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§10.2(2002/04/15/ 14:57)
Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(二) 专题



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