Brian: I am not thinking that I am lucky, yesterday I think I am lucky, but not today! (我不认为今天自己幸运,昨天我还觉得自己很幸运,但不是今天)
Nikky: what happened?
Brian: I don't know how to put it, just some trifle things, have u got the feeling, when u are really working hard, but somebody says no?(不知道该怎么说,只是一些琐事罢了,你有没有这样的感觉,当你真的很努力很努力工作的时候,别人却对你的成绩说不)
Nikky: sure I have, it's devastating.(当然有过,这让人备受打击)
Brian: I worked hard to present a document, and then all of sudden the they says no, I'm defeated.(我非常卖力的写了一份报告,但他们就是说不好,我很泄气)
Nikky: just that?(就这些么)
Brian: I really don't know what I'm going to do next. I've been bluffing... (我真的不知道下一步该怎么做,我一直以来都很坦言,【注】I've been bluffing,这个用法是我从一个美国商人嘴里学到的)
Nikky: Yes, for most of our lives in the business world because we were so -- you know, we weren't taught about all this. And so we're out there and it's like there's always somebody who knows more, because we're such perfectionists(完美主义者) about our work that we feel like we need to know everything.
Brian: I'm not a perfectionist, I just think it's not what I should get.(我不是什么完美主义者,我只是在想这不是我该得到的)
Nikky: try to do something helpful.(试着做一些对你有帮助的事情)
Brian: yes, I don't know how to figure it out.
Nikky: just be patient and try to do things better, maybe the next time when u bring up a document, he will say a good thing about u.(耐心点,试着把事情做的更好,也许下次你再写个报告的时候,他会称赞你的)
Brian: that if u say a bad thing about other people, u will have a worse thing said about u, that's it.(如果你说别人什么坏话的话,很快的有人会说有关你的更坏的话)
Nikky: yes, but don't hate them. (是的,但不要憎恨别人)
Brian: I am not hating them, I just think if I'm somebody who's cleaning the office, I will learn how to be more powerful within the context of my job.(我不恨他们,我在想如果我是一名清洁工的话,我一定会学着把我的工作干的更好)
Nikky: u can make yourself the indispensable cleaner of the office.(即使是清洁工,也要让自己变的不可缺少)
Brian: it's possible to be that.(完全是可能的)
Nikky: and the day the that cleaner of the office gets promoted.(然后就清洁工就会得到提升)
Brian: and then I, the cleaner can have the other people who clean the office?(然后那个清洁工就会指使别人打扫办公室?)
Nikky: :)