语音讲解: (点击右键“另存为”可下载语音)
Gerald and Miriam discuss the differences between the ways men and women ommunicate.
Miriam: Let’s face it. Men and women have different needs and are motivated by different things.
Gerald: But this is business. Everyone should be focusing on what’s best for the company.
Miriam: That’s not what I’m talking about. Men and women use language to different ends. Men use it to maintain their independence and their position in a group. Women use language to create intimacy.5
Gerald: I don’t buy that. It sounds like a bunch of nonsense.
Miriam: Oh, yeah? You were complaining about Rhonda discussing problems with other people. It doesn’t mean she’s incapable of making decisions. It’s just that her first priority is establishing relationships.
Gerald: And whenever I say something, I’m trying to maintain my status?
Miriam: Sure. You make all your decisions solo. You don’t want anyone else to be able to take credit for them. That would be a threat to your position.
Gerald: Well, my parents raised me to be competitive and outspoken.6
Miriam: While most girls are raised---consciously or unconsciously---to be demure7 and soft-spoken.
Gerald: But you don’t fit that mold. You’re as brash8 as any man---that’s one of the things I love about you.
Miriam: Oh, you can thank my mother for that. There were no damsels in distress in any of my bedtime stories.