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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(二) > 英文ICQ狂聊记录§8.8

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/03/15 10:38  新浪教育

  Brian: but a little bit fast.(但有点快)

  Nikky: oh well u have to talk fast before it cuts u off.(你得快点说话,要不然电话会断掉的)

  Brian: i like to talk to you instead of the machine, in front of the machine i do not know what i should say so just keep in silence and think you will pick up the phone but ....(我希望跟你直接说话而不是和一台机器说话,在机器面前我不知道该说什么,所以只有保持沉默,以为你会拿起电话,但…….)

  N:i'm so sorry i didnt pick up。(对不起,我没来得及拿)Brian: that's ok , you needn't say that , anyway we do have a next chance ,right?(没有关系,你不用说对不起,不管怎么样,我们还有机会,对么)

  Nikky: yes definitely and i will have better phone card.(当然,我也要买一张新的电话卡)

  Brian: ;)

  Nikky: you r funny.

  Brian: you too.

  Nikky: so what are u doing after work this week?

  Brian: find a nice place for dinner if i don't have time to cook for myself and then have some music in my apt , do some exercise(but not for losing weight, J) , or some reading if i still have time , a lot of things.(因为没有时间给自己烧饭,我得找个可以吃饭的地方,然后在自己寝室里听听音乐,做做运动,当然不是为了减肥,J,如果还有时间的话再读会儿书,反正很多事情了)

  Nikky: what do u read.

  Brian:  some boring newspaper about business.Brian: and u? do you spend a lot of time with the students , i mean , you are their teacher.

  Nikky: well after work i need to rush home to eat and go to school.

  Brian:  after eating, you still have to go to school ,for what?

  Nikky: i have classes 4 nights a week and i am not teacher yet Assistant. (每周晚上要上4节课,我现在还不是老师,我只是个助理而已)

  Brian:  o

  Nikky:  my friend i am going to bed i am very tired i

   will see u tomorrow ok?

  Brian: ok.

  Nikky:  bye my friend.

  Brian: have a good sleep.

  Nikky: thank you and u have great day.

  Brian: hope you will sleep soundly!(希望睡个好觉)

  Brian: hehe, bye

  Nikky: bye

英文ICQ狂聊记录§10.7(2002/04/19/ 13:08)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§10.5(2002/04/17/ 14:33)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§10.6(2002/04/17/ 14:31)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§10.1(2002/04/15/ 14:59)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§10.2(2002/04/15/ 14:57)
Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(二) 专题



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