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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(二) > 英文ICQ狂聊记录§8.6

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/03/15 10:41  新浪教育

  Brian: you must beshavingsa good time yesterday.

  Nikky: no i didnt was trapped in crowded store and was very upset by slowness took 2 hrs to get out very frustrating.(不,这里的交通太拥挤了,慢的让人恼火,出去要花2个小时,非常令人丧气)

  Brian: ;)I thought that only shanghai has the traffic jam, can I have your phone number, may not phone to you , but just want to know.Nikky: only if u give me yours.

  Brian: hehe.

  Nikky: whats so funny?

  Brian: ok. I will give u my home phone

  Nikky: what is that?

  Brian: 86--********(号码不便透露), and got a mobile phone, u want it?

  Nikky: mobile phones are cool.(手机是很酷的东西呀)

  Brian: mine's not, it's some sort of Motorola phone, and I'm ganna change it. (我的例外,是摩托罗拉的,该换了)

  Nikky: something wrong with it?(有什么问题么)

  Brian: no, just sort of old style.(没有,只是样式有点老)

  Nikky: u r going to get new phone then.

  Brian: yeah, but the number will not change.

  Brian: it's your turn now.(该你了)Nikky: what would u do if i called you now? (如果我现在给你打电话你会怎么办?)

  Brian: i don 't know actually.(我也不知道)

  Nikky: oh ok.

  Brian: ok for what?

  Nikky: lol really? would it be shock? suprise?(嗯,会吓着你么,还是感到惊奇)

  Brian: both, hehe.(两者都会吧,呵呵)

  Nikky: lol so should i call?(那我应该打么)

  Brian: if you are willing.(如果你愿意的话)

  Brian: i will be right here waiting for your voice.(我会在这里等你的声音)

  Nikky: really?(真的?)

  Brian: really(是的)

  Nikky: so i dial number

  Brian: ok, u get it?(你听明白了么?)

  Nikky: yes i get it.(明白了)

  Brian: so i am waiting but you do not need to dial if you do not want to.(我等着你的电话,但如果你不想打的话,你是不用打的)

  Nikky: no i want to. (不,我想给你打)

  Brian: ok, i am waiting.(好的,我等着)

  Nikky: give me 5 minutes ok.(给我5分钟好么)

  Brian: for what? do some make-up? (干什么,化妆么?)

  Nikky: let me be judge of that.(让我稳定一下情绪)

  N and i have to get offline(我得下线)

  Brian: sure , i will give you whatever you think enough to judge of that.(当然,我会给你你认为长的时间来稳定情绪)

  Nikky: well thank you(好的,谢谢你)

  Brian: to dial me after you get offline?(下线后就给我打电话么?)

  Nikky: ok will do.(好的)

  Nikky: lol yeah, then.

  Brian: ok.




英文ICQ狂聊记录§10.7(2002/04/19/ 13:08)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§10.5(2002/04/17/ 14:33)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§10.6(2002/04/17/ 14:31)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§10.1(2002/04/15/ 14:59)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§10.2(2002/04/15/ 14:57)
Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(二) 专题



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