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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 活用美国俚语--三册第6课

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/03/21 13:25  空中美语

  Man: Excuse me, Miss. May I read your Time magazine, that is if you're finished with it.

  Woman: Certainly. Here, take it. I don't feel much like reading right now anyway.

  M: These long flights are rather boring, don't You think ? Say, pardon me for saying, but you look a bit green around the gills. Are you feeling all right ?

  W: Not really, My stomach is in knots and I can't seem to catch my breath.

  M: So, you're not feeling so hot, Here, let me give you an air sickness pill, I always take one before a long flight like this one, It might help.

  W: I doubt if taking another one of those pills would do any good. I already feel like I'm going to toss my cookies at any minute.

  M: For Peters sake! How many pills did you take ?

  W: Five or six, may be more. Why ?

  M: But the directions strictly warn against taking more than one every 12 hours.

  W: You mean it's possible to O.D. on the stuff ?

  M: Let's hope not. But don't worry, I happen to be a doctor by profession.

  Sentence Patterns--句型练习



  He felt__ __ __ __after his boat ride.


  Paula's__was always __ __when she took an exam.


  After climbing the steep hill,he stopped to__ __ __.


  I'm ___ __ __ __,so I think I'll just go to bed early.


  I feel like I'm going to __ __ __at any minute.


  __ __ __!How many pills did you take ?


  It is easy to__when mixing alcohol and barbiturates.

Green around the gills/脸色发青(2002/03/21/ 13:21)
开怀大笑,百病全消 (2)(2002/03/21/ 08:05)
臭氧可以治病(2002/03/20/ 14:02)
捷进作文能力--说明文比较法与对比法(2002/03/20/ 11:08)
他的微笑不是梦(2002/03/20/ 07:51)
生活美语:At the Supermarket(2002/03/19/ 12:42)
空中美语 专栏


1. Green around the gills脸色发青
to feel nauseated; to appear as though suffering from nausea, sea sickness, etc.觉得恶心,想吐,晕船等的样子
He felt green around the gills for hours after his boat ride.在驾船出游回来后,他有几个小时都觉得恶心想吐。

2. Stomach in knots胃难受
for one's stomach to be upset from tension, nervousness or anxiety.胃因紧张或焦虑而难受
Paula's stomach was always in knots when she took an exam

3. Catch one's breath喘过气来
to regain normal breathing呼吸转为正常
After climbing the steep hill, he stopped to catch his breath.

4. Not feeling so hot不舒服
to feel uncomfortable, sick觉得不舒服,难受
I'm not feeling so hot, so I think I'll go to bed early.

5. Toss one's cookies吐
to vomit呕吐
After drinking several bottles of beer very quickly, Peter wanted to toss his cookies.

6. For Pete's sake!老天!
an exclamation of surprise disbelief, or anger.表惊讶,不信或生气的喊叫
For Pete's sake! Who made this mess in the kitchen ?

7. O.D.过量
to over dose on drugs, alcohol, etc.吃太多药,酒精等
It is very easy to O.D. when taking alcohol and barbi-turates at the same time.


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