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Starlings Flocking to Rome Get an Earful
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/04/17 10:05  《英语学习》

  The swarms of starlings that swoop down on<注1> Rome's historic piazzas and baroque churches every winter, forcing tourists and passers-by to seek refuge under umbrellas, are about to get an earful. The Italian League for the Protection of Birds (Lipu) will broadcast bird “distress calls”over loudspeakers in the historic center, using a technology it has tried in Rome's outskirts to scare the birds away."We have recorded the sound that starlings make when there is danger and we will play it over megaphones at dusk when they are starting to nest down," said Danilo Selvaggi, the coordinator of Lipu's Rome project."We want to chase the starlings out of concentrated urban centers with distress calls and spotlights. They will head to outlying parks and suburbs. It is very efficient and there is no cruelty to birds involved since they just migrate to parks and woods outside the city." Between October and February some four million starlings migrate to the Italian capital from Germany, Poland and Russia, darkening the horizon and tracing abstract shapes in the sky that capture the imagination of onlookers. The huge flocks also coat cars, buildings and anyone who has not found cover with bird droppings. Tourists are advised to carry umbrellas or raincoats at dusk and residents have to put up with the rank smell<注2> for months at a time.



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《英语学习》2002年3期 专题


1.swoop down on:猛扑向。

2.rank smell:非常难闻的气味。


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