Brian: yes, and this is the most surprising thing he found in China?
Nikky: I don’t know what the mooost means to him, but maybe not.
Brian: what was then.
Nikky: the three, four and five star hotels, he did not expect such luxurious hotels in China.【注】有一种情况经常遇到,那就是没有来过中国的外国人总是想当然的把中国想的很落后,很贫穷,这个Nikky的前任男朋友就对在中国看到的4星级和5星级饭店感到惊讶,原来中国还有这么好的星级饭店呀,而且价钱也不贵。
Brian: u should say in mainland China? (你应该说是在中国大陆吧?)
Nikky: wwww, right, anyway, it’s good accommodations. (是的,不管怎样,中国的膳宿条件很不错)
Brian: and camera stores everywhere in China.
Nikky: that’s why u tell me that China is developing sweepingly.【注】sweepingly,扫荡地,形容彻底和全面地
Brian: yeah, the people right here love photography and the people who go there love here, if u really be here, at just about every corner u can see signs,“Kodak Film Sold Here”
Nikky: and big professional camera stores?
Brian: here in Shanghai, a lot of big professional camera stores. (在上海,同样有很多大型的,专业的照相馆)
Nikky: and Beijing too
Brian: actually, what I want to say to u , nikky, u don’t understand how it is going on with the current China, I don’t think it is a big deal to have some funny film stores like that, we are different , quite different now.【注】想告诉她,现在的中国发展真的很快,和以前完全不同了,不是仅仅几个照相馆就能代表中国的发展状况的
Nikky: seems that I really need to be here, what u did when u were there in Beijing in 1993?
Brian: well , I was just a high school student by then, and I don’t know too much history, neither do I understand what the Great Wall and the Forbidden City mean to me, I spent a lot of time in the gardens, and in some mountaintop(山顶) areas.
Nikky: could u just see the sunrise? (能看见日出么?)
Brian: u mean at the top of the mountains? I saw the sunrise, it was beautiful, and the dawn flag-raising ceremony at Tiananmen Square, it was very moving. (我看见过日出,非常美丽,早晨在天安门广场升国旗仪式,很感人)
Nikky: the largest Square in the world. (世界上最大的广场)
Brian: I don’t know if it is the largest one in the world, I wonder how long your boyfriend been in Beijing?
Nikky: he was in China for 20 days, and traveled around with his digital camera, two SLR’s.【注】SLR, Single Lens Reflex,单眼照相机
Brian: no flash? (没有闪光灯吗?)
Nikky: it should have a flash
Brian: did he fly to Beijing directly? (他是直接飞到北京的?)
Nikky: no, he change the flight at Taibei (不是,他在台北中转的飞机)【注】在大学的时候,每次到了寒假都盼望着回家,虽然要坐近35个小时的火车,从长春到石家庄,再从石家庄到襄樊,我就可以和老外这么说:“I need to change my train in Shijiazhuang every winter when I get back home for spring festival from ChangChun to Xiangfan”
Brian: I see, but just Beijing, the capital?
Nikky: not only the big cities but the small villages. (不光是北京,还有一些小村庄)
Brian: is he welcome in those small villages? u know, in China, people were so friendly to the people outside.