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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 英文ICQ狂聊记录§10.4

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/04/15 14:54  新浪教育

  Nikky: when he walked into some small village or town and almost everyone in the town invited him into their homes, and schools, farms.【注】中国最朴实的、最热情的就属农民

  Brian: it’s surprising, I myself hadn’t been invited before when be there, hehee, be joking, they are forever friendly to everyone, the villagers.

  Nikky: maybe they think it’s a weird thing to see a man like him carrying a camera. (也许是他们看见一个拎着照相机的人,感觉怪怪的)

  Brian:swheresdo u prefer to go to travel, nikky, the big cities or the small villages? for me, I would rather go to the small villages. (如果是你的话,你是喜欢到大城市还是到小村庄呢,我更愿意到小村庄去旅游)

  Nikky: Awwww, small villages are good.

  Brian: yes, it can give me the remote feeling, everyone can go into the city, but I don’t like cities, I just like the countryside, because I was born and raised in the countryside. (因为我生长在乡下)

  Nikky: life is simpler there.

  Brian: much simpler.

  Nikky: hope to be there this year.

  Brian: I am not familiar with Beijing, but u can always come to shanghai, I will take u to Zhouchuan(周庄), which is a very beautiful canal area.

  Nikky: is Zhouchuan in Shanghai too?

  Brian: actually, it doesn’t belong to Shanghai, only two hours from Shanghai by bus.

  Nikky: so I can take my camera by then.

  Brian: digital camera?

  Nikky: yes, I have one

  Brian: the great thing to have a digital camera is that u can always retouch the picture.(数码相机最大的好处就是可以对照片进行润色和处理)【注】retouch,润色

  Nikky: ohhh

  Nikky: soften my skin, haha

  Brian: yes, and whiten the whites of your eyes, hehe

  Nikky: yes, whiten my eyes

  Brian: so is he enjoying it, the picture taken?

  Nikky: yes, very much so. (是的,他非常喜欢)

  Brian: and he do it to the best of his ability.

  Nikky: something like that

  Brian: how do u react when I talk about him in front of u? do u still miss him or sth? (我在你面前谈起他的时候你做和感想,有没有想念他?)

  Nikky: no, I forgot him, at all.

  Brian: that’s an excellent answer.

  Nikky: :)

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英文ICQ狂聊记录§9.6(2002/04/01/ 14:30)
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Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(二) 专题



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