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To give sb. a taste/dose of their own medicine
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/05/08 13:39  世博英语


  To give sb. a taste/dose of their own medicine

  Definition: to do the same bad thing to someone that they have often done to you, insgroupsto show how unpleasant it is.


  “给某人一剂他自己的药尝尝”,这句惯用语同我们的“以其人之道还治其人之身”异曲同工,意思是用某人对别人的手段对付他,也让他尝尝其中不好的滋味。比如如果Jack对别人很粗鲁,那么别人也同样粗鲁地对他,那就是give him a taste of his own medicine.例句如Did you see those two people cutting in front of us in line just now? Let's cut in front of them and give them a taste of their own medicine!虽然我们不鼓励这种以其人之道还治其人之身的做法,但是学会了偶尔用用还是蛮过瘾的,看这一例:I saw you pushing my brother yesterday... maybe I should give you a taste of your own medicine! (或许我也应该让你尝尝挨揍的滋味!)有时候,a taste of one’s own medicine也可以单独用:He's always interrupting people when they are talking; what he deserves is a taste of his own medicine!

  Example dialog:

  A: Look who’s coming!


  B: At last she’s coming! She’s always turning up late for me so I thought I’d give her a taste of her own medicine and see how she likes it.


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