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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 无厘头英语 > 约会洋妞:走进幸福殿堂的刹那间(连载十七)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/07/22 14:32  新浪教育

  ANNE接着说道:“Here, I am going to sing a song written by my husband for you. He will go to Si Chuan province day afer tomorrow to produce a program about environmental protection. He will also adopt a Panda for us which is our child.”(在这里,我将为大家演唱一首有我的丈夫做词做曲的歌,他将在后天奔赴中国的四川拍摄一个环保节目,同时也将代表我去认养一只大熊猫,那将是我们的孩子。)音乐渐起,可以听出经过我老婆他们乐队的修改和配器,我的音乐真的特别动听,他们也把歌词改变了,全场的观众都聚精会神地聆听我老婆那悠扬的歌声,我有些陶醉了。


  only legends know

  that once there were gods in the sea.

  Giants size

  with lullaby eyes

  and dreams,

  like you and me.

  You're my start and destiny

  blind my sight

  in my heart you're there

  I don't know why but I do

  I dream of you

  I deam of you

  I don't know why but I do

  thinking of you

  though we're through

  I think of you

  Is it the same way for you?

  How can I take my heart from you?

  I dream of you

  I dont know but you give me chills

  Is it the same way for you?

约会洋妞:突入意外的“小插曲”(连载十六)(2002/07/19/ 15:46)
约会洋妞:“网络婚礼”开始了(连载十五)(2002/07/18/ 13:18)
约会洋妞:认个熊猫当“孩子”(连载十四)(2002/07/17/ 13:45)
约会洋妞:一首“网络情诗”的诞生(连载十三)(2002/07/16/ 13:26)
约会洋妞:“大熊猫”让我们争吵(连载十二)(2002/07/15/ 13:37)
无厘头英语 专题



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