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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 无厘头英语 > 约会洋妞:认个熊猫当“孩子”(连载十四)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/07/17 13:45  新浪教育

  Anne : Great! Are you familiar with this place?(太棒了!那里的情况你了解么?)

  Benidick : I have been there before. It was located 3000 metres above the sea level. There lives four nationalities which are Hang, Qiang, Tibetan, and Musliu. This isswheresfamous travel scenic spots Jiu Zhai Gou and Huang Long are. (我以前去过,那里海拔3000米以上,居住着汉、羌、藏、回四个民族,旅游胜地九寨沟和黄龙就在那里。)

  Anne : Oh, I see. Is there any Yak?(哦!有牦牛么?)

  Benidick : Yes, Tibetans are feeding them.(有,藏民们饲养牦牛。)

  Anne : Have you ever seen the giant panda?(你在那里也见过大熊猫么?)

  Benidick : Not in the wild. There is Panda feeding research center in WoLong region in SiChuan province, which is now expecting more help from the whole society helping these lovely animals which are near extinction..(没有野生的,目前在四川卧龙地区有一个大熊猫养殖研究基地,正在向全社会寻求帮助,希望有更多的人前来认养大熊猫,帮助这些可爱的濒危动物。)

  Anne : Can I adopt one of them? How much is it?(我也可以认养么?多少钱?)

  Benidick : USD5000 per year. Let's do it together!(每年5000美圆,我们一起认养吧!)

  Anne : Ok, just like our child, Haha! (好啊!就当是我们的孩子,哈哈!)

  Benidick : Under what name we adopt it?(我们以什么身份认养呢?)

  Anne : Who can adopt them in general?(一般是什么人认养呢?)

  Benidick : Generally speaking it can be a company, an unit, a person, a family or a couple.(一般是公司、组织、个人、家庭、夫妻、、、)

  Anne : A couple, good idea!(夫妻!好主意啊!)

  Benidick : Have you heard of getting married through internet?(我们通过网络结婚?没听说过!)

  Anne : fictitious marriage(虚拟婚姻。)

  Benidick : Who's going to take part in the wedding?(那么婚礼都谁参加呢?)

  Anne : We can invited both your friends and my friends.(你叫来你的朋友,我找来我的朋友。)

  Benidick : Respectively certify our marriage in front of the comper?(分别坐在电脑前见证我们的婚姻?)

  Anne : Right, that's it!(对!就是这样!)

  Benidick : What time then?(那么什么时间呢?)

  Anne : How about this tomorrow? We are going to have a performance tomorrow and I will make arragement for a speical program putting a computer on the stage. The audience can see from the back screen.(明天怎么样?我们在明天有个演出,我将安排一个特别节目,在舞台上放一台电脑,后面用大屏幕让所有观众都可以看到。)

  Benidick : I will let you see me dress up through the camera.(我将穿着盛装通过摄像头让你看到我!)

  Anne : I will sing the song which you wrote for me in dress.(我也身穿礼服并当场演唱你写的歌曲!)

  Benidick : sounds very creative. (听起来很有创意!)

  Anne : Let's start to do it now!(那么我们现在就去准备?)

  Benidick : Ok, every thing will be done before tomorrow evening.(好的,明晚肯定搞定!)


约会洋妞:一首“网络情诗”的诞生(连载十三)(2002/07/16/ 13:26)
约会洋妞:“大熊猫”让我们争吵(连载十二)(2002/07/15/ 13:37)
约会洋妞:我激动得像鸟一样飞起来(连载十一)(2002/07/12/ 13:44)
约会洋妞:我的“电子女朋友”(连载十)(2002/07/11/ 13:34)
约会洋妞:第一次忐忑不安(连载九)(2002/07/10/ 13:23)
无厘头英语 专题



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