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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(四) > 英文ICQ狂聊记录§17.6

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/07/22 14:39  新浪教育

  NIKKY: I don’t know yet, if it is forced into bankruptcy, it will have billion in debts. (我不知道,如果破产的话,将会产生300亿美元的债务。)

  BRIAN: that’s a lot.

  NIKKY: yeah, u know, brian, it carried and transmits about half of the world’s Internet traffic----(你知道么,brian,这个公司承载着世界上一半的网络传输能力)

  BRIAN: probably including the traffic between u and me. (也许还包括我们之间的网络)

  NIKKY: probably.

  BRIAN: here in China, we know from the media about the financial problems----, Enron, to Xerox Corp(施乐公司)

  NIKKY: yeah, we need to take a tough stance with Worldcom. (是呀,我想应该对世界通信公司采取严厉措施。)

  BRIAN: it will be collapsed, right? Like Enron?

  NIKKY: I hope not.

  BRIAN: why?

  NIKKY: it’s not just a company, it has network links to the major industry and government agency that would be difficult to replicate quickly. (这不是仅仅一个公司的事情,它牵扯到许多主要的工业部门和政府部门,在短时间内很难重新造就一个新的Worldcom)

  BRIAN: this is a misstep(失足).

  NIKKY: yeah, nobody is expecting that

  BRIAN: u see Worldcom’s report?

  NIKKY: yes.

  BRIAN: u see the problem?

  NIKKY: no, they got several different reports, but one thing for sure is that this company is defrauding investors. (他们有几种财务报告,但是有一件事情可以确定:这个公司的确是在欺骗投资人。)

  BRIAN: felony in US? (这在美国属重罪么?)


  NIKKY: felony, yeah.

  BRIAN: so it could be forced by its lenders to file for bankruptcy protection(申请破产保护) from them, the creditors?

  NIKKY: 50%.(有50%的可能吧。)

英文ICQ狂聊记录§17.7(2002/07/22/ 14:37)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§17.2(2002/07/18/ 15:41)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§17.3(2002/07/18/ 15:39)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§17.4(2002/07/18/ 15:34)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§17.1(2002/07/17/ 13:38)
Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(四) 专题



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