BRIAN: :) so where did u want to go this weekend?
NIKKY: I think that I will take my mother to Las Vegas
BRIAN: well, never been there before?
NIKKY: yes, and hotel rooms are dirt cheap(非常便宜) in sin city these days
【注】dirt cheap,像土(dirt)一样便宜,你说便宜不便宜?当然very cheap,so cheap等也是便宜的意思,但是说dirt cheap可以让人觉得更便宜。
【注】另sin city指的是有“罪恶之城”的拉斯维加斯
BRIAN: tell me how cheap there is.
NIKKY: well, I get this ad(广告) in the newspaper at hand(手边), for a double room(双人房), only 35 this price includes buffet breakfast(自助早餐) and show tickets(门票) for two.
BRIAN: woo, it is dirt cheap!
NIKKY: how does your book sell, brian?
【注】在我刚刚上大学的时候听说过一个叫朴泰赫的韩国评论家写了一本叫做《丑陋的韩国人》的书,相必是位韩国自省的人士,这本书在日本卖的非常火,后来才查明,原来所谓的韩国作者是不存在的,真正的写的人是一个叫日照明的日本人,这里先不说日本人的卑鄙,关于书卖的好的说法有:this book is selling like hot cakes/像蛋糕一样卖的好,形容卖的非常好。
BRIAN: I’d rather talk another thing(我宁愿换个话题谈)
BRIAN: we got the cover(封面), and alll the inside design(内容版式设计), but I met something that I don’t want to meet.
NIKKY: u got a problem?
BRIAN: big problem
NIKKY: what is it?
BRIAN: the publisher is so fussy(挑剔的) about my book, that they want everything their way
NIKKY: be clear, man
BRIAN: I just don’t know how to start, nikky