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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > Loaded for Bear:为熊准备好子弹

Loaded for Bear
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/08/21 13:58  人民网-江南时报

  Hunting is an old tradition in the United States. During pioneer days the wilderness was filled with bear deer buffalo and other animals. Hunting provided much of the meat that people ate. Hunting has also provided some colorful expressions to English as Americans speak it. One such expression is "loded for bear."

  In the early days hunters used muzzle-loading rifles. They had to load such a gun from the front. They poured in gun powder. Then,with a stick called a ramrod,they pushed a round bullet into the rifle,until it was against the gunpowder.

  The power of the gun depended on how much gun powder the hunter put into it. The more powder the stronger thegun would shoot.

  Bear hunters used as much gunpowder as possible. They wanted to kill the bear instantly,before it could kill them. They were "loded for bear."

  The expression “loaded for bear” now means to be completely prepared for an event just as an old bear hunter was completely prepared for meeting a bear.

Loaded for Bear:为熊准备好子弹







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