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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(五) > 英文ICQ狂聊记录§19.6

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/08/28 14:43  新浪教育

  BRIAN: u know, nikky, the first time we talk on the net, u tell me that u like to eat out, still remember? (记得吗,nikky,我们第一次聊天的时候,你告诉我你喜欢在外面吃饭)

  NIKKY: yes, what’s going on?

  BRIAN: do u eat outside your school these days? (这些天你都在学校外面吃么?)

  NIKKY: yes

  【注】突然想问问她有关小费在美国是怎么个给法,反正现在还从来没有轮到我给别人小费的时候,印象里有一次在一个星级酒店为公司的外国客人安排住宿,他下了出租车,由于旁边有个给开车门的礼仪先生,他就问我:“brian, tell me about how much I should pay the tip to him?/ brian,告诉我应该给多少小费?”

  BRIAN: tell me about tipping in the US. How much do u tip a restaurant waiter(侍者) and waitress(女侍者)?

  NIKKY: oh, if they r good, give them 20 percent of the fare(消费)

  BRIAN: how much do u tip a taxi driver, for instance?

  NIKKY: usually a taxi driver expect 10—15% (一般,出租车司机对小费的期望是10—15%)

  BRIAN: is that a rule?

  NIKKY: no, well, it’s up to u(取决于你个人), if u think their service is lousy(如果你觉得服务很差的话), it’s all right for u to give, say, just 10 percent or less or even nothing.

  BRIAN: I understand, should I say thank u for the tip to tell me how to give tips in US?


  NIKKY: yes, smart boy

  BRIAN: but u havent answer my question, don’t eat what , what don’t u eat?

  NIKKY: I will stay away from the cakes, pies, cookies like that. (我要远离蛋糕、馅饼和饼干之类的东西)

  BRIAN: so u want to lose 20 pounds in one month and want to look pretty good?

  NIKKY: yes, I want to look great.

Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(五) 专题
英文ICQ狂聊记录§19.4(2002/08/26/ 11:36)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§19.5(2002/08/26/ 11:35)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§19.3(2002/08/23/ 13:59)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§19.2(2002/08/22/ 14:40)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§19.1(2002/08/20/ 16:14)



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