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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(五) > 英文ICQ狂聊记录§19.8

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/08/30 16:09  新浪教育

  NIKKY: do u think that this should be useful for the chinese people to learn english?

  BRIAN: yes, I think so

  BRIAN: and I hear lots of english books and lots of concepts(概念), that the pubic is confused(迷惑).


  NIKKY: they r confused?

  BRIAN: yes, take a basic english learner for instance, he/she just doesn’t know how to speak good english, and doesn’t know so much more about what should buy, which book is the the most proper one to’em. (那本书是对他们最适合的)

  【注】to’em = to them

  NIKKY: maybe u can right now steer(驾驶、掌舵)in the right direction.

  BRIAN: I don’t have that ambition(野心)

  NIKKY: u do!

  BRIAN: don’t point at me like that.

  NIKKY: no, but this is a nice thing

  NIKKY: and I agree with u, u can probably make a speech with ur idea.

  BRIAN: would u fell my thighs(大腿), because they’re quivering(颤抖)right now.(你能感受到我的腿么,它们已经在颤抖了)


  NIKKY: :), I just come up with my suggestion

  BRIAN: thanks for that, I will work on it.

  NIKKY: I hope u’re learning

  BRIAN: yes, u’re damn right.

  【注】damn这个词最早是在一个黑人嘴里听到的,“god damn it!”,禁用语,表示强调。

  NIKKY: brian, someone is calling me, I got to take the phone call in the hall(大厅), see u

  BRIAN: ok, I guess to go off too, see u!

  NIKKY: bye!

  BRIAN: bye!

Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(五) 专题
英文ICQ狂聊记录§19.6(2002/08/28/ 14:43)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§19.4(2002/08/26/ 11:36)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§19.5(2002/08/26/ 11:35)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§19.3(2002/08/23/ 13:59)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§19.2(2002/08/22/ 14:40)



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