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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 360全角英语 > Caution is the parent of safety

Caution is the parent of safety
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/09/03 09:42  世博英语

  Caution is the parent of safety.



  Caution, the quality of being very careful, not taking any risks, and trying to avoid danger,小心,谨慎。We must proceed with caution.我们必须小心行事。

  Parent, the father or mother of a person or animal.一个人的父亲或是母亲。例句:I don’t really get on with my boy-friend’s parents.我和我男友的父母亲真的很合不来。在这里parent并非此意,而是一种引申的用法,the parent of表示是…之本。

  Safety, means the state of not being dangerous or likely to cause harm or injury,安全,平安,保险。例句:My main concern is for the safety of my family.我主要关心的是我们家里人的安全问题。/She led the children to a place of safety.她把孩子们带到了安全的地方。

  这句谚语使我不由地想到,如今我们城市的交通虽然已日趋完善,但是交通事故的问题也时常困扰着我们,不少驾驶员开车不认真,不遵守交通规则,给我们的交通带来了很大的隐患。因此我们要时刻牢记:Caution is the parent of safety.

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