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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 360全角英语 > 细说put(1)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/09/04 10:55  世博英语



  Put something across/over, it means to cause to be understood; explain,使被解释,理解。

  例句:I’m not putting my meaning across very well.我没有把自己的意思结实得很清楚。

  Put something aside, means to save (money, etc.), usually for a special purpose, (通常为某特定目的而)存(钱,等);储存以备用。

  例句:He has a little money put aside for a trip to Europe.他存了一点儿钱以便到欧洲旅行。

  Put something away

  (1)to remove to a place where it is usually stored,放好,收起来。

  例句:Put the books away neatly on the shelf.把书整齐地放在书架上。

  (2)to save (esp. money) for later use,存钱以备用

  (3)informal to eat (usu. Large quantities of food),(非正式)吃(通常指大量的食品)

  (4)informal to place (someone in prison or in hospital for insane people,(非正式)把人关入监狱或送进精神病院

  Put something back has two meanings.

  (1) to cause to show an earlier time,拨回(时间),向后拨。

  例句:Put the clocks back please.请把时钟拨回。

  (2) to delay推迟,延误。

  例句:The fire in the factory has put back production.工厂里的这场火灾耽误了生产。

  Put something by,it equals the second meaning of put away.

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