语音讲解: (点击右键“另存为”可下载语音)
课文朗读: (点击右键“另存为”可下载语音)
Imagine walking through a valley and a thick forest. Millions of yellow butterflies dance around you, like yellow raindrops. It is a paradise for wildlife.
This is the Yellow Butterfly Valley. Located in Meinung Town, it is home to 110 different kinds of butterflies. The only place of its kind in Southeast Asia, the Yellow Butterfly Valley is the only complete, low-elevation forest and valley ecology in western Taiwan. Its ecology is unique in that the butterflies spend their whole lives here, instead of just coming for the winters.
Thanks to the suitable climate, a good food supply, and few natural enemies, the butterflies are free to multiply―and multiply! Every year, in June and October, the valley becomes a stage for more than 50,000,000 butterflies showing off their beautiful yellow wings.
●Yellow Butterfly Valley黄蝶翠谷
●natural enemy天敌
Sentence 4U 语音讲解: (点击右键“另存为”可下载语音)
thanks to "多亏;由于",例如:
Thanks to my brother's help, I finished my homework for the summer vacation.
美浓黄蝶翠谷的动植物群(fauna and flora)非常丰富,其中包括濒临绝种(endangered)的百步蛇(hundred-pace snake)和赫氏角鹰(Hodgson's hawk eagle)等,可说是台湾珍贵的自然资源。此处之所以会有如此多的黄蝶聚集繁衍,是因为日本人(Japanese)盘据台湾时曾在此造林,大量种植铁刀木(Indian chestnut trees),而铁刀木刚好是银纹淡黄蝶(silver veined yellow butterflies)的主食,再加上气候环境等条件的配合,因而形成每年两次的繁殖高峰期( peak period),千万只黄蝶飞舞的壮观奇景(spectacle)。每年夏天在黄蝶翠谷举办的美浓黄蝶祭(Yellow Butterfly Festival)就是要唤醒人们重视这里的生态与环境的保护(conservation),并致力于宣传与保护美浓独特的客家文化(unique Hakka culture)。