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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(五) > 英文ICQ狂聊记录§22.3

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/11/18 16:47  新浪教育

  16.3 tabloid

  Brian: I have some trouble.

  Nikky: what is the problem, trouble man.

  Brian: well, some tabloid(小报消息)annoys me.

  Nikky: what's that, seems that I am talking to a Hollywood movie star. (我好像是在和一个好莱钨明星对话。).Brian: that's good, I am not a star, not even one percent.

  Nikky: so what's that.

  Brian: some people wrote bad stories about me.

  Nikky: bad stories?

  Brian: sth like that.

  Nikky: well, that's good for u, nobody wrote that to me before. (这对你很好呀,没有人这样写过我呢。)

  Brian: no kidding!

  Nikky: ok.

  Brian: that annoys me a lot. (这让我很恼火。)

  Nikky: at the time that they sit down to write the tabloid story u r not involved in that. (其实他们坐下来写他们的东西,这是和你不相关的。)

  Brian: yes, I used to think so, but I am still upset.

  Nikky: u don't have anything do with it, ur life goes on. Ur life is going to continue regardless of what anybody says about u. (不管别人说你什么,你的生活还是应该继续。)

  Brian: yes, and our talking will go on. (是呀,还有我们的对话。)

  Nikky: that's right, u have to define(定义)ur life from the inside out.

  Brian: well, I will think about it, thank u.

  Nikky: stay away from it, u just learn to live with it.

  Brian: ok, I will learn to live with it.

  Nikky: u know a guy called Stedman Graham? (有没有听过一个叫Stedman Graham的人?)

  Brian: no, I don't.

  Nikky: his wife is the host-Oprah, u know this woman?

  Brian: ow, I heard of that great woman, Oprah, right? we talked about her once.


  Nikky: yes.

Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(五) 专题
英文ICQ狂聊记录§22.1(2002/11/13/ 15:36)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§22.2(2002/11/12/ 17:42)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§21.5(2002/11/06/ 11:58)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§21.6(2002/10/31/ 13:36)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§21.3(2002/10/30/ 18:29)



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