Hello!Hawaii |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/05 18:42 开口ABC |
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演员(Actors):导游小姐水鸟(Lauren)、大佬(Sean)、疙瘩妹(Nicole)、胖小弟(Daniel)、嘟嘟(Kyle) 性格特征: Lauren:耐心细致、聪明、乐于助人、富与青春朝气。 大佬:憨厚可爱、大方、外型吓人但心地善良。 疙瘩妹:做作娇气、斤斤计较、贪小便宜、喜欢和导游小姐作对。 胖小弟:聪明、好奇、总是说许多童言无忌的话。 嘟嘟:带眼睛的高中男生、内向、不喜欢说话。很喜欢Lauren的性格。 故事简介: 一年夏天,导游小姐水鸟带着旅行团去夏威夷度假。旅行团有许多成员,其中,重点突出大佬、疙瘩妹、胖小弟、嘟嘟。这群可爱的人是怎么碰到一起的呢,他们之间又会发生哪些事情? Episode One Travel Agency/第一集 在旅行社 长久以来,大佬就为身心俱疲的工作折磨得体重又增加了10公斤,趁着这个假期,实在应该找个好地方去彻底放松一下,于是他来到旅行社…… Receptionist-R Sean--S R: Welcome, sir! May I help you? S: Yes. I wanna go to America for my vacation. R: No problem. Actually, we have some great packages. It's the most exciting season of Hawaii. How about a real relaxation to Hawaii? S: Sounds good. Is there any tour-group that I can go with? R: Yes, there will be one at the end of this month. For many people, a Hawaiian vacation promises languid days filled with sunbathing and poolside cocktails. For others, it's all about non-stop action in one of the world's most extreme natural playgrounds. Whether you're in search of quiet relaxation or unbridled stimulation, Hawaii gives you the best of both. S: Oh! Great! So how long is the trip? R: 15 days. The transportation by air will cost almost five days. S: Fine. I happen to have 20 days holidays. So exciting! How many places will be visited, and what are they?swhereswill we stay and how about the food there? R: Sir, let's do it step by step! First, we'll visit over 25 different places. Most of the places are in Hawaii's Big Island. We'll stay in Arnott's Lodge & Hiking Adventures and Aloha Beach Resort. Both hotels offer perfect service. As for the third question, the most difficult decision you may face on your visit to Hawaii isswheresto eat. With hundreds of options on any given island, you may find all the choices overwhelming. But just trust your instincts and follow your nose --they will no doubt lead yousintossome delicious discoveries. S: Wow! Cool! What's the price for this trip? R: Well, right now, there's a special rate for 50,000 RMB for this package, including everything such as airline ticket, tour guides, hotels and food. All you have to do is to sign up and we take care of everything. S: Em…50,000 RMB is really a lot of money. I'll think about it. R: Sure. By the way, this special price is only good through the end of the week. S: Is it Thursday? I mean, if I let the chance slide… R: Yes, sir. It will be a great pity! S: Well. OK! I'll take it! R: Thank you! |
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你好!夏威夷 |
R-接待小姐 S-大佬 R:欢迎光临!需要我帮忙吗,先生? S:谢谢!我想去美国旅游。 R:没问题。刚巧,我们有一系列的豪华旅游套餐。现在正是夏威夷的黄金旅游时节。去夏威夷享受一次完全彻底的放松如何? S:不错。有旅游团吗? R:是的。月底有一个团发往夏威夷。对大多数去夏威夷的游客来说,旅行充满了悠闲舒适的气息:白天时,躺在沙滩上懒洋洋地晒太阳、在蔚蓝的海滨自由自在地游泳、晚上的时候,可以打扮得漂漂亮亮,参加渡假村里没完没了的鸡尾酒会。但是,也有不少游客把夏威夷作为顶级的天然游乐场,在那里可以尽情地运动、尽情地挥洒欢乐时光。无论你是想安安静静地休息放松,还是想追求狂野刺激的冒险,夏威夷绝对是您最佳的选择! S:哦!太棒了!那旅行一共要多长时间? R: 15天.来回坐飞机的时间大概需要5天。 S:很好。我正好有20天的休假。太妙了!我们要去参观多少个地方,都是哪些地方?我们住在什么地方,那里的食物如何? R:先生,一个个来好吗?首先,我们要参观至少25个地方。多数都集中在夏威夷的主岛。我们将住在Arnott's Lodge & Hiking Adventures酒店和Aloha Beach Resort酒店。它们都能为你提供尽善尽美的服务,让你感觉自己像上帝一样。至于食物,恐怕你在夏威夷最为难的就是弄清楚自己该吃什么。因为岛上的食物种类繁多,应有尽有。经常情况是:选择太多,诱惑太大,你都不知道该吃什么才好。相信你的直觉,跟着鼻子走,保证你能享尽珍馐美酒、山珍海味。 S:哇!太棒了!那得多少钱? R:目前,我们有一个特别的优惠,夏威夷豪华旅游套餐只需要5万人民币就可以了。豪华套餐包括机票、导游、食宿等一切旅行的费用。你只需要签字,剩下的事情全交给我们就可以了。 S:嗯……5万块可不是个小数目。我再考虑考虑吧。 R:当然了。不过,顺便说一句,优惠活动只到这周末就结束了。 S:今天是星期四吧?我是说,如果我错过了这次机会…… R:是的,先生。将是一大损失! S:好吧。行!我就去夏威夷旅游一趟吧。 R:谢谢! |
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