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Lesson Nine口语部分文化篇
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/06/04 13:33  新浪教育
  Read the text carefully and be prepared to answer the question:Faith in the Future

  Americans are deep believers in looking ahead. Other societies may turn to history to get their sense of direction, but American hopes and dreams are firmly planted1 in the future. So other peoples are not so surprised when life goes through cycles2 of good times followed by bad ones. But Americans are used to thinking of history as a line of progress basically always leading onward and upward. This faith3 in the future gives Americans their optimism4, as well as their belief that they can direct their own destinies5.Americans scoff6 at the idea that they must simply grin and bear7 them when bad things happen; they think that with hard work they can change their lives for better.

  1.plant: v. to establish (ideas, etc.) in the mind; cause someone to believe sth.把(思想、信念等)注入头脑,灌输

  例句:Who planted these rumors?


  2.cycle: n. a period of time in which certain events repeat themselves周期,循环

  例句:Business booms run in cycles.


  3.faith: n. belief and hope信念,信仰

  例句:He has a strong faith in Christianity.


  4.optimism: n. a tendency to expect the best result or outcome乐观,乐观主义

  例句:Though he lives a miserable life, he never loses his optimism. He always believes in a bright future.


  5.destiny: n. one's future or fortune命运

  例句:You should put your own destiny in your own hands.


  6.scoff:v. to laugh at嘲笑,讥笑

  例句:Most people still scoff at the idea that a woman could become president.大多数人仍然对女性当总统这一想法嗤之以鼻。

  7.grin and bear it: v. to suffer form sth. unpleasant without complaining哭笑着忍受

  例句:I don't like the judge's ruling, either, but we're going to have to grin and bear it.


  Exercise: Why are Americans often considered so optimistic and positive about the future?

  Clues to the answer: better in the future

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