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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《王强口语》第二册 > Lesson Nine口语部分描述篇

Lesson Nine口语部分描述篇
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/06/04 13:34  新浪教育
  An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

  Meaning: Eating an apple every day helps a person to stay healthy.



  Decide which of the two versions given below you think is the better one. Why?

  Version A

  One day, Mary, a journalist, had an interview with Mr. Jackson who had just celebrated his 98th birthday; he was the oldest man in his town. Mary asked him if there was a special diet to which he attributed his long life.

  "Well," he said, "I am fond of my cigarettes and alcohol, but I do love apples. As the saying goes, 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away.'"

  "I heard that you and your wife were divorced last year?" Mary said.

  "Yes, she told me I was too old to protect her. But I think that's not the truth. I think the reason is the apples. My wife is a doctor, you know, and 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away.'"

  Version B

  Mary was a journalist. One day, she had an interview with Mr. Jackson. Mr. Jackson just celebrated his 98th birthday, and he was the most longevous man in his town. Mary asked, "Mr. Jackson, do you have special diet contributing to your longevity?" "I smoke and drink, but I like to eat apples. A saying goes, 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away.'" Said Mr. Jackson. "I heard that you got a divorce last year?" Answered Mary. "Yeah, my former wife said I'm too old to protect him. But I think she didn't tell me the truth. I believe the reason is that I like apples. You know, my wife is a doctor, and 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away.'"


  journalist: someone who collects information and writes articles for newspapers, magazines, television, or radio为报刊电台等撰稿的记者

  be fond of: to like very much十分喜欢

  Exercise: Complete the proverb in English, and then illustrate the meaning of the proverb.(用英语完成下列谚语并用具体例子阐述它的意思。)

  Where there's烟there's火: When there is证据of a problem, there probably is a问题.

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