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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《王强口语》第二册 > Lesson Nine口语部分表达篇

Lesson Nine口语部分表达篇
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/06/04 13:36  新浪教育
  Read aloud the following frequently asked questions and study how the native speakers would answer them.

  1. "How do you feel about the weather we'reshavingsso far this spring?

  A: "Terrible. I am used to the weather in Europeswheresit's about 20°C degrees warmer, so I am in shock."

  B: "It's fine. We didn't get a lot of snow in the winter so I am all right with it."

  C: "We had spring in the winter and now we're getting winter in the spring. But, seeing as we had the warmest winter on record, it's OK by me."

  2. What is your favorite(喜欢的) thing about autumn?

  A: "The colors. If you go to the backwoods and trails, it's amazing. You get a full spectrum of colors. It's the best time to go out on the trails."

  B: "The trees, the leaves falling and changing colors."

  C: "The weather. It's really nice out. And it smells good out here with the trees and everything."

  Exercise: Based on what you've just learned about the way that a native English speaker would handle a question, try to express your opinions briefly and clearly by answering the following questions.

  1.Distances in the universe are so great that the light-year(n.光年) is used as a unit of measurement(n.计量). Light travels at 186,287 miles/second (299,792 kilometers/second) and a light-year is the distance light travels in a vacuum(n.真空) in one year. A galaxy(n.星系) can measure thousands of light-years across(adv.宽、阔) and be millions of light-years distant.

  What is the longest distance you have traveled?swheresdid you go? What did you do there?

  2. Easter Island in the South Pacific is the home of huge ancestral(a.先祖的) figures(n.雕像) carved(v.雕刻) from volcanic(a.火山的) rock more than 1,000 years ago. No one knows their exact purpose, but they were erected(v.竖立) facing the sea---a remarkable feat(n.卓绝的手艺), considering some are 33 feet tall and weigh more than 50 tons.

  If you could build a monument to be discovered 1,000 years in the future, what would it look like? What would it represent?

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