谁最有爱国心 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/07/04 10:03 世博英语 |
几个学生躺在被窝里闲聊。 第【1】串:small talk闲聊 I am thinking ofshavingsa small talk with Andy when I see him. 甲:"今天朗诵比赛,嘿,我得了第一!" 第【2】串:take the cake得一等奖 In the last English speech competition, I took the cake. 乙:"哼,前几天作文竞赛,我不也得了第一?" 丙:"要是你们记性不差的话,应该记得我的爱国心最强。" 第【3】串:patriotic爱国的 A lot of patriotic oversea Chinese came back when they finished their study. 甲:"你的爱国心最强,我从不买外国货。" 乙:"我也从来不看外国电影。" 第【4】串:see a movie看电影 Shall we go out to see a movie? I find you are so busy these days. 丙(慢条斯理地):"你们想想看,我入学以来,哪次外语及格了?" 第【5】串:flunk考试不及格 He flunked his English examination, but that served him right because he never studied English in his spare time. 本栏目是由世博英语(360abc.com)Andy原创编写!学习中国口语,传播中国文化!世博英语版权所有,未经书面授权,请勿转载! |
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