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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 胡说八道

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/07/11 10:07  世博英语



  1) He hit the big time in the end.

  NOTE1:注意in the end短语中the的读法;

  NOTE2: It means that he made great success in the end.

  2) His story is all moonshine.


  NOTE2: It means that he was just blattering(胡说) and nobody would believe him.


  Here is a story:

  Now he is a physicist. Nobody could have expected that he could hit the big time in the end. When he was a child, he was a bit strange and was asking why again and again. As you know, some of the questions couldn't be answered by the grown-ups. At that time, they would say that the questions were absurd, that the boy was abnormal and that his story was all moonshine. To our great surprise, he made it finally. So it is the time we thought about the ways to treat our children.

  1) He hit the big time in the end.他最后一举成名。

  2) His story is plain moonshine.他在胡说八道。


  Here are three situations:

  S1. He said that he saw a flying saucer in the sky on his way home. Do you believe in what he said? How would you answer him?

  S2. We know the phrase "he made it in the end" means "he succeeded in the end". Could you give me another phrase that has the same meaning?

  S3. Do you think that you can hit the big time in the future? If you say yes, tell me what you can do to achieve this goal?


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