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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《魔法英语》课文译注 > 第四课:库克船长

Lesson 4:Captain Cook
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/07/23 17:32  新浪教育

  1、主语+insist on/upon+doing sth. 坚持做某事

  主语+insist that+虚拟语气的从句主张……应该做(从句谓语用should do, should常可以省略),但表示“坚持说”不用虚拟语气,从句谓语动词不一定用should加动词原形。例如:

  He insisted on paying for the meal with his money.他坚持用他的钱付饭钱。

  The doctor insisted that the patient was seriously ill and that he(should) be operated on.大夫坚持认为那位病人病得很厉害,应该动手术。

  2、fall ill 生病

  It is easy for the old to fall ill in winter.老年人很容易在冬天生病。

  3、provide...with 为……提供……

  The farmers provide us with grain and vegetables.农民为我们提供粮食和蔬菜。

  同义词链接:supply sb. with sth; provide sth. for sb; supply sth.for sb.

  4、I have decided to do sth. 我已经决定干……

  I have decided to study medicine at university.我已经决定到大学里学医。

  5、go bad 变质


  The milk went sour.牛奶变酸了。

  6、be at sea 出海

  Having been at sea for half a year, the seamen are homesick now.出海已经半年多了,海员们都很想家。

  7、hear of 听说

  Have you ever heard of a writer named Jack London?你听说过一个叫杰克-伦敦的作家吗?

  8、from now on 从现在起

  You'll be a member of our club from now on.从现在起你是我们俱乐部的一员。

  9、keep somebody healthy 保持健康

  Healthy food can help to keep us healthy.


  辨析:keep healthy是通过食品等保持某人的健康;keep fit是通过某种锻炼手段使某人保持健康。

  10、主语+suggest+doing sth.…… 建议做某事


  I suggest a visit to the theatre.我提议去看戏。

  He suggested bringing the meeting to an end.他建议结束会议。


  The teacher suggested that we(should) attend the medical conference.老师建议我们去参加医学会议。

  What he said suggested that he was brave.他的话表明他很勇敢。

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