Lesson 2:Disneyland(1) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/08/06 14:30 新浪教育 |
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课文翻译 1.Reading Comprehension阅读理解 WALT DISNEY 沃尔特-迪斯尼 Walt Disney, the great filmmaker, was born in Chicago in 1901. Disney's 伟大的制片家沃尔特-迪斯尼于1901年出生于芝加哥。迪 greatest wish was to be a famous artist. When he was a young man, he 斯尼最大的愿望就是成为著名的艺术家。年轻的时候,他 went to a newspaper office in Kansas Cityswhereshe was living. He had some 去过一家报社。报社就在堪萨斯城,他当时居住在那里。他有几个 friends who worked in the office there. He took along some of his pictures in 朋友就在那家报社工作。他带去一些自己的画, the hope of getting a job there. However, He had no luck. They looked at his 希望能在那儿找到工作。然而,他运气不佳。他们看了他的画, pictures and said,“Sorry, young man. We don't think there is anything of interest 说道:“对不起,年轻人,我们认为你的画里没有什么 in your pictures.” 有趣的东西。” Disney's friends tried to encourage him.“Don't worry, Walt. We like 迪斯尼的朋友尽力鼓励他:“别犯愁,沃尔特。我们喜欢 your pictures. They're very good. We're sure youll be wellknown as an artist 你的画。它们很好嘛。我们深信,你不久就会成为知名 before long.” 的艺术家。 Disney did not lose heart. He continued to draw lots of pictures. His family 迪斯尼没有灰心,他继续画了许多画。他们 was poor and he used to sit in the family garage and draw pictures there. 家很穷,他就常坐在自家的车库里作画。 One day a mouse camesintosthe garage and played on the floor. Disney stopped 有一天,一只老鼠来到这个车库,在地上嬉闹。迪斯尼停止 drawing and watched the mouse. The mouse came towards him, so he gave the 绘画,注视着它。老鼠朝他跳过去,他就给 mouse a piece of bread. Then the mouse came and sat on his desk. Day after 老鼠一片面包。于是老鼠跳过来伏在他的画桌上。每天 day the mouse came back and was given more bread. In this way over several 老鼠都回来,得到更多的面包。就这样一连好些天, days the artist and his mouse became good friends. 艺术家和他的老鼠便成了好朋友。 Some years later, Disney moved to the west coast of the USA. He tried to 几年后,迪斯尼搬到美国西海岸去了。他试图找一份 get work as an artist, but still he was unsuccessful. One day he remembered 工作,做一个艺术家,但是他仍然没有成功。有一天他想起了 the mouse that used to come out in his father's garage. He picked up his pencil 那只老鼠,那只常常到他父亲车库里来的老鼠。他拿起笔 and started to draw. Day after day he experimented and drew different pictures 就画了起来。他一天一天地尝试着,画了好些不同的画, of the mouse that he had known. At last he was pleased with one of his 画的就是他所熟悉的那只老鼠。最后他很满意其中的 pictures of the mouse. He called it Mickey Mouse. 一幅画,他就称其中的那只老鼠为“米老鼠”。 Disney's success as a cartoonmaker had begun. He soon drew other cartoon 作为动画片制片家,迪斯尼开始取得成功。不久后,他又画了一 characters like Donald Duck and during the 1920s and the 1930s he made 些卡通人物,像唐老鸭之类。在20世纪20年代到30年代期间, scores of cartoons about them. These cartoons were all short ones. Before the 他制作了许多关于它们的动画片。这些动画片都是短片。在电视 days of television, they used to be shown in cinemas all over the country before 问世之前,全国各地的电影院先放动画片, the main film was shown. Later Walt Disney made longer films. All of them 然后才放主片。后来,沃尔特-迪斯尼做了些较长的片子。它们 were liked very much by children. Disney died in 1966. But the studios which 都很受孩子们的欢迎。迪斯尼于1966年去世,但是他创办的电 he started are still busy today, producing more and more interesting films. 影制片厂至今仍然很繁忙,还在生产越来越多的有趣的影片。 |
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第二课:迪斯尼乐园(1) |
重点-难点-考点及疑点注释 1、wish作名词用表示“愿望”、“渴望”,一般和不定式或介词for连用,注意for后接名词,不接动名词。不定式或介词for短语均作wish的定语。 I have no wish to go abroad.我不想出国。 I have a wish for peace.我希望天下太平。 2、take along随身带着;携带 此处along是副词,人称代词作宾语须放在中间,名词则可以放在along之后。 ①You should take along your own food.你们要自带食物。 ②—Where is your bag?你的包呢? —I forgot to take it along.忘带了。 3、in the hope of抱有的希望 The villagers wentsintosthe mountains, in the hope of finding the lost boy. 村民们去搜山,希望找到迷路的孩子。 He called on Tom in the hope of getting help from him. 他去拜访汤姆,希望得到他的帮助。 4、在think、believe、suppose、guess 等动词后面的宾语从句,如果是否定句时,通常把主句中的动词变成否定式,而宾语从句中的谓语动词用肯定式。例如: I don't think youve finished your job.我想你还没完成你的工作。 I don't believe it will snow tomorrow.我相信明天不会下雪。 5、lose heart失去信心;灰心 当lose heart表灰心、气馁时,该短语不能发生任何变化,如添加冠词或把heart变成复数等。lose one's heart to something/somebody 则表示“倾心于某事”或“爱上了某人”。 What a disappointment! It's enough to make her lose heart. 多么令人失望的事情!这足以让她失去信心。 He lost his heart to music.他倾心于音乐。 6、in this way用这种方式;用这种办法 You mustn't speak to your father in this way. 你绝不能用这种口气和你父亲说话。 辨析:way表示“方法”,“办法”,同义词有method, means, 但介词的搭配不同,way和in构成in this way,其他两个则为with this/that method,by this/that means. 7、pick up拿起;捡起 He picked up a stone and threw it at the dog.他捡起一块石头朝狗扔去。 8、be pleased with对满意 The boss was pleased with my answer and nodded me to sit down. 老板对我的回答很满意,随后点头示意我坐下。 Both the teacher and the students are pleased with the answer of the boy. 老师和学生都对男孩的回答表示满意。 |
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