Lesson 3:Disneyland(2) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/08/06 14:32 新浪教育 |
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课文翻译 1. Reading comprehension阅读理解 DISNEYLAND 迪斯尼乐园 The company that Walt Disney started does not just make films. In 1955 沃尔特-迪斯尼创办的公司不只是制作影片。1955年 Walt Disney himself opened the first Disney Park. This was Disneyland in Los 沃尔特-迪斯尼亲自开办了第一家迪斯尼公园。这就是美国 Angeles on the west coast of the USA. Later, Disney World was opened on the 西海岸洛杉矶的迪斯尼乐园。后来,迪斯尼世界于1971年在 east coast, in Florida, in 1971. It cost between to million to 东海岸的佛罗里达开放。共耗资5亿美元至6亿美元。 build. Tokyo Disneyland opened in Japan in 1983, and Euro Disney opened 东京迪斯尼乐园于1983年在日本开放。1992年在法国开放欧洲 in France in 1992. 迪斯尼乐园。 All the Disney parks are operated by the same company. The workers have 所有的这些迪斯尼公园均由同一家公司经营。工作人员要 very strict orders. They must wear clean shoes and clean trousers. The men are 严格遵守规定。他们必须穿干净的鞋子和干净的裤子。男工作人员 not allowed to have beards. If the workers have long hair, it must be tied 不许留胡子。如果工作人员要留长发,必须把头发 back. They always smile, and are always friendly and polite to visitors. The 扎在脑后。他们总是面带微笑,对游客总是友好礼貌。这些 parks are the cleanest parks that you can imagine. 公园是你可以想像得到的最干净的公园。 In Disneyland you can find all the characters from Walt Disney's films. 在迪斯尼公园里,你可以看到沃尔特-迪斯尼影片里所有的角色。 The Sleeping Beauty Castle is a favourite place for visitors. You get a wonderful 睡美人城堡是游客最喜爱的地方之一。从城堡顶部你可以 view from the top of the tower. You can see as far as the coast. Many of the 看到一幅极好的景色。极目远眺,你可以看见海岸。迪斯尼乐园 streets in Disneyland are built to look like streets in the USA in the 1890s. 的很多街道修建得像美国19世纪90年代的街道。 People walk around wearing nineteenth century clothes. 人们穿着19世纪的服装在街上走来走去。 The Tomorrow Land is very interesting. You can go inside a spaceship 未来世界非常有趣。你可以进入一艘太空船里, and drive one too. In the Future House, everything is worked by the computer. 还可以驾驶太空船。在未来住宅里,一切都由电脑操作。 If you press one button, a machine cuts the grass in the garden. If you press 如果你按一下按钮,割草机就在花园里割草。如果你按 another, your meal is prepared and heated for you; then it is brought on along 另一个按钮,饭菜就准备好了,并为你加热好,然后它沿着一条 a very small railway line to your seat in front of your television so that you don't 小轨道送到你电视机前的座位上来,这样,你甚至都 even have to stand up when you get what you need. 不用站起来就能得到你需要的食物。 |
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第三课:迪斯尼乐园(2) |
重点-难点-考点及疑点注释 1、It cost...to do sth.“花费钱数”。注意it 为形式主语,替代不定式。句式中的cost不能用于被动语态。 2、allow, permit, let:allow 表示“让、允许、准许”,含有“听任”或“默许”等意义。permit所表示的基本词义与allow基本相同,但词义比allow强,表示一定的权威性,它从正面强调“允许是得到上级或文件正式认可的”,含有“正式答应”和“许可”之意,多用于正式场合。let表示“允许”,词意最弱,它强调“不反对”,常用来表示建议和命令,它较之于allow和permit更口语化,不能用于被动语态。 3、be friendly to对友好 The teachers are friendly to all of us. 老师对我们所有人都很友善。 4、be polite to对有礼貌 We are taught to be polite to the teachers and the elders by our parents. 父母教导我们要尊敬师长。 短语链接:be rude to对粗鲁/没有礼貌;be kind to对好 5、as far as远达 as far as意为“远至”、“一直到”,含有路程远之意。 He walked as far as the post office. 他一直走到邮局。 Standing on the top of the hill, you can see as far as the seaside. 站在山顶上,你可以看到海边。 此外,as far as 还作“据”“就”解,后面跟一个从句,构成表示程度的状语从句,相当于so far as。 As far as I know, he will be away for three months. 据我所知,他将离开三个月。 6、be prepared准备好了 Everything is prepared and we may begin. 一切都准备好了,我们可以开始了。 同义词链接:be ready |
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