2003/10/17 10:51 新浪教育 |
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课文翻译 2Reading comprehension阅读理解………………
全世界人的吃饭问题(一) Agriculture first started about 10,000 years ago, when people began to 农业最早大约起源于一万年以前。那时,在埃及的 grow crops in the river valleys of the Nile in Egypt, in the Middle East and in 尼罗河谷以及中东和印度,人们就开始种植 India. Today farming employs more people than any other type of work. It is 农作物了。目前从事农业的人比从事任何其他行业的人都要多。 thought that one billion people, that is half the world's workers, earn their 据估计,有10亿人——也就是全世界劳动人口的一半, living by farming. The problem is how to feed a growing world population of 是靠务农谋生的。问题是如何解决不断增长的世界上60多亿人口的 over 6 billion. For one thing, two thirds of the earth's surface is water, 吃饭问题。首先,地球表面的2/3是水, although this does provide a lot of food in the form of fish. Only about 11% of 尽管水的确提供了大量可作食物的鱼类。地球的陆地 the earth's land surface is suitable for growing crops. And this area is becoming 只有大约11%的地区适于种植作物,而这些地区还在 smaller day by day. In China there is only 7% of the land used for growing 日益缩小。在中国只有7%的土地用来种植庄稼, crops, which feed 22% of the world population. That is why the Chinese people 而这些庄稼却要养活占世界22%的人口。这就是为什么中国人 are making great efforts to protect their farmland and increase agricultural production. 要下大力气来保护耕地增加农业产量的原因。 Farmland is being lost for several reasons. First, it is being built on. Second, 耕地面积缩小有几个方面的原因。第一,在耕地上搞建筑。第二, when wind and rain have removed a lot of the soil, no more crops can be grown 大量的土壤被风刮走或被水冲走,致使这些土地不能再种 on this land. Third, a lot of irrigated land has become too salty to grow plants. 植农作物。第三,大量的灌溉地变成了盐碱地,因而也不能种作物了。 Also, it is well known that pests continue to eat crops, causing damage. The 此外,众所周知,虫灾在继续危害作物而造成损失。 FAO(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) has worked out 据联合国粮农组织(FAO)估算, that up to 30% of food is lost in storage. Food stores are frequently ruined by 高达30%的粮食在储藏中损失掉了。储存的粮食经常因雨水或潮湿 rain or damp, or eaten by mice. 而遭损失,或被老鼠吃掉。 In a word, hunger is a big problem in the world today. No one is sure how 总之,饥饿是当今世界的一大问题。没有人能够说 many people are hungry, but it is thought that 500 million people in the world 清楚究竟有多少人在挨饿。不过,据认为,世界上有5亿人, do not have enough to eat, that is about one in ten . Every year about 40 million 也就是10个人中有一个人吃不饱饭,每年饿死的人 people starve to death. 大约有4,000万。 Various things can be done to increase the food supply in the world. The 可以采取多种措施来增加世界上的粮食供应。 area of farmland can be increased by irrigation. Take the Aswan Dam in Egypt 可以通过灌溉来增加耕地面积。以埃及的阿斯旺水坝 for example,swheresdesert land can now be used for growing crops. The same 为例,那儿的沙漠地带现在也可以用来种庄稼了。同样的 has happened in the west of the USA, particularly for the growing of fruit. 情况也出现在美国西部,甚至还种植水果。 Farmers can increase their corn three times simply by watering their fields. In 农场主只需灌溉田地就可以使玉米作物的产量增加3倍。 Europe, Holland continues to increase its area of farmland by pumping water 在欧洲,荷兰在继续把低洼地里的水排出去以 from lowlying areas. 增加耕地面积。 Scientists continue to develop new types of plants which produce heavier 科学家们继续在培育新型的高产植物。 crops. They are also developing new types of plants that can be grown in poor 他们还在培育新型的植物,这些植物能在贫瘠的土壤或者甚至在 soil or even sand, and that are less likely to be attacked by pests and diseases. 沙漠地上生长而不易受病虫害影响。 |
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第十四课:解决世界温饱问题 |
重点·难点·考点及疑点注释 1It is thought that...据认为…… 在该句型中,that之后为主语从句。该句型一般用于不便或无法指明信息来源的场合。 It is thought that China is the biggest farming country. 据认为中国是第一农业大国。 句型链接:It is said that...据说……;It is reported that.. .据报道……;It is believed that...据悉……;It is known to all that.. .众所周知……;It is suggested that...据建议…… 2earn one's/a living靠……为生;以……谋生 He earns his/a living with his piano.他靠弹钢琴谋生。 3The problem is how to...问题是怎样…… The problem is how to make him accept my idea. 问题是怎样使他接受我的观点。 4for one thing首先;第一 For one thing, we must be strict with ourselves. 首先,我们要严格要求自己。 5in the form of以……形式 The composition is written in the form of a novel. 这篇作文是以小说的形式写的。 6day by day一天天地;逐日 短语辨析:day by day强调一天天带来的变化;day after day“日复一日,天天”,指动作的反复,没有变化。 It is getting colder day by day.天气一天天冷起来。 I have to do this work day after day.我不得不天天做这份工作。 7That is why...那就是……的原因。 That is why he made up the lie.那就是他撒谎的原因。 8make great efforts to do sth.努力去做…… He made great efforts to get it.他竭尽全力要得到它。 注意用此短语时,名词effort是可数名词,其前可加不定冠词或不定代词,要么用其本身复数形式。effort前使用定冠词the时,意思是“特地抽功夫(花精力)做某事”。 9work out计算出;设计出;制定出 They've worked out a method of sending a spacecraft to Mars. 他们已经设计出一种向火星发射宇宙飞船的方法。 10ruin使毁灭,使败坏 The storm ruined the crops.暴风雨摧毁了农作物。 11in a word一言以蔽之,总之,简单说 In a word, he is a good student.总而言之,他是个好学生。 短语链接:in a word总而言之;in words用言语,用语言;in other words换句话说,换言之 12starve to death饿死 As a result of the flood, many people starved to death. 由于洪水许多人被饿死。 短语链接:beat sb. to death打死某人;sentence sb. to death判某人死刑 13take:for example以……为例;拿……为例 Let's take the English language for example.让我们以英语为例子。 |
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