2003/10/17 10:53 新浪教育 |
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课文翻译 1Reading comprehension阅读理解………………
全世界人的吃饭问题(二) What can be done insgroupsto make sure that no one in the world goes 人们可以做些什么以确保世界上没有人挨饿呢? hungry? Generally speaking, the human race has the information and experience 一般来说,人类已经有这方面的知识和 to do this.However, humans have so far not been wise enough to make correct 经验了,然而这些还不足以明智地做出正确的 decisions. 决策。 In the European Union(EU),swheres81% of the land is farmed, there is 在欧洲联盟有81%的土地用于耕作,那儿 plenty of food, in fact often too much. Farmers have the right to sell their crops 粮食充足,事实上,粮食常常是太多了。农民有权利把他们的粮食 to the EU. For example, if the apple harvest is very good and there are so 出售给欧洲联盟。举例来说,如果苹果的收成很好,市场上的苹果 many apples on the market that farmers cannot sell them, the EU will buy 太多而农民又销售不出去,欧洲联盟就得把苹果从农民手里买下来, apples from the farmers and throw them away. And the fact that farmers are 然后扔掉。还有一件令人吃惊的事就是,欧洲联盟 also paid by the EU for not growing crops surprises many people. If they leave 还付给农民钱,叫他们不要种作物。如果农民 some of their fields free and do not plant anything, they will still receive money 把有些农田闲置起来,不种任何作物,他们仍然可以从欧洲联盟 from the EU. There is a similar system in the USA. 得到钱。美国也有类似的制度。 It has been proved that the way to produce the most food is to let farmers 事实证明,要生产出最多的粮食,办法就是让农民种庄稼, grow crops either to feed their family or to sell, whichever they choose. However, 供自家食用也好,出售也好,由他们自己选择。虽然 although this happens in China, it does not happen in some other countries, 在中国已存在这种情况,但是在其他一些国家(例如印度)却不是这样。 like India. There, most of the land is owned by rich people who pay peasants 在印度,土地多数为富人所有,他们付给农民 very little money to work in the fields for them. If the peasants could farm the 很少的钱,要农民为他们在田地里劳作。倘若农民能够 land themselves, food production would be much higher. What is needed is a 自己种田,那么粮食产量就会高得多。这就需要 change in land ownership, and it has been suggested that the land should be 改变土地所有制,已经有人建议,土地应当在 shared equally among the peasants. The problem is that most politicians in India 农民中平均分配。但问题是印度多数的政治家就是土地 are landowners. They would not vote to lose their land and wealth, even if it 所有者,他们不会投票支持剥夺自己的土地和财富,即使这样 resulted in a fairer society. 做能造就一个更加公平的社会。 Many less-developed countries are in debt because they borrowed money 许多不发达的国家都负了债,因为它们从较富裕的 from richer countries insgroupsto develop industry. Unfortunately they find it 国家借钱来发展工业。不幸的是,它们发现还债 difficult to repay this money. As a result, farmers are forced to plant“cash 存在困难。因此,农民被迫种植“经济作物”, crops”, like coffee, tea, cocoa, nuts and tobacco that are sold abroad insgroupsto 如咖啡、茶叶、可可、坚果和烟草,这些国家把经济作物 pay off the country's debts. The problem is that much of the land is used for 销往国外,以偿还债务。问题是许多土地被用来种植那些人们 crops that will never feed the population. If fewer cash crops were grown, more 不能吃的作物了。如果经济作物种得少些,就可能 food could be produced and there would be less or no starvation. 生产出更多的粮食,因而挨饿的人就会少些或者完全没有。 Many western countries raise and butcher a large number of beef cattle. 许多西方国家饲养并屠宰大量的肉牛。肉牛所带来的 The problem with beef cattle is that 10 kilograms of grain is needed to produce 问题是,生产仅仅一公斤的肉就需要10公斤的谷物。 just one kilogram of meat. In the USA, for example, 75% of the grain is used 举例来说,在美国,75%的谷物被用来饲养 to feed animals. This grain could be used to feed humans, rather than animals. 牲口了。这些谷物本来可以供人食用而不是喂牲口。 However, in hilly, dry or mountainous areasswheresit is impossible to grow 不过,在那些不可能种植作物的丘陵地区、干燥地区或者山区, crops, it makes very good sense to keep sheep or goats. These provide milk, 饲养绵羊或山羊倒是有意义的。羊群可以提供羊奶、 meat and wool, yet this does not take land away from food production. 羊肉和羊毛,而又不会占去耕地,影响粮食生产。 |
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第十五课:解决世界温饱问题 |
重点·难点·考点及疑点注释 1What can be done insgroupsto...?为了……该怎么办? What can be done insgroupsto better the studentsliving conditions? 为了改善学生的生活条件该怎么办? 2go hungry挨饿 Very few people go hungry nowadays, but not in the past. 现在很少有人挨饿,但在过去不是这样。 3so far到目前为止;迄今 He has visited over twenty countries so far. 迄今他已经出访了二十多个国家。 4It has been proved that...事实证明…… It has been proved that his suggestion is reasonable. 事实证明他的建议是有道理的。 5If the peasants could farm the land themselves, food production would be much higher. 本句运用了虚拟语气,表示与现状相反情况的假定。 If I were you, I would go with her.要是我是你的话,我会同她一块去的。 6result in造成……结果;产生……结果 Their efforts result in failure.他们的努力归于失败。 短语链接:result from起因;由来 7in debt负债,欠债 His gambling losses put him deeply in debt.他因赌博输钱而负债累累。 8make sense讲得通;很有意义;合乎情理;很明智 His attitude doesn't make sense.他的态度毫无道理。 |
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