第二十二课:重点复习 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/10/17 11:18 新浪教育 |
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课文翻译 2. Reading comprehension阅读理解………………
废物处理 How to get rid of waste is a great problem for the world today. Waste must 如何清除废物是当今世界的一大难题。废物必须 be treated so that it does not become a danger to life. Unfortunately, in some 经过处理,使之不致对生命构成危险。不幸的是,在某些 countries waste from factories is still poured straight /into/ rivers. People who 国家,工厂的废物仍然直接排入江河。使用这些 use the water from one of these rivers often get sick. The water may become so 江河水的人常常生病。这种河水可能污染严 polluted that it kills all the fish in the river. When this river finally reaches the 重,以致河里的鱼全部死光。河水最终流入大海, sea, it pollutes the ocean. 海水也就受到污染。 In many countries with sea coasts, human waste is piped directly /into/ the 在许多临海的国家中,人的粪便未经处理 sea without being treated. This is unsafe. Although the sea breaks up the waste, 就直接排入大海,这是不安全的。虽然大海可以把粪便冲散, beaches may become polluted and fish may not be safe to eat. A better method 但海滩可能受到污染,吃鱼也就不安全了。比较好的办法 is to take the waste far out to sea in shipsswheresthe wind and waves break it down. 是把粪便用船运到很远的海上,那里的风浪会把它分解。 In 1989 an international law was passed to stop people putting waste /into/ 1989年通过了一项国际法,以制止人们把废物倒入大海。 the sea. It is now against the law to throw anything /into/ the sea within 5 kilo- 现在,在离大陆五公里范围内的大海中倒入任何东西 metres of land. Plastics and other similar rubbish that does not break down may 都是违法的。不能分解的塑料制品以及其他类似的垃圾都不允许 not be thrown /into/ the sea anywhere. Other waste may be thrown /into/ the sea, 倒入海中任何地方。其他的废物可以倒入海中 either 19 kilometres from land, or more than 40 kilometres from land, depen 离陆地19公里或者40多公里的地方, ding on the nature of the materials. 这取决于废物的性质。 Some dangerous waste is still put /into/ metal containers and thrown /into/ the 有些有危险的废物目前仍然是装入金属容器,然后扔进 deep sea. It will be many years before the chemicals start to escape from the 深海。这些化学物质要过许多年以后才开始逸出 containers. At the bottom of the ocean there is very little life and very little 容器。在海洋的底部几乎没有什么生物,而且水也极少 movement of the water. It is therefore unlikely that the chemicals will be car- 流动,因此,化学物质很可能不会被往上 ried upwards /into/ the waterswheresfish are found. At one time, certain types of 带到有鱼的地方。过去,有些带有放射 radioactive waste were put in the sea in metal containers. Now, however, all 性的废物装在金属容器中投入大海。然而,现在一切带 radioactive waste must be stored on land. 有放射性的废物都必须存放在陆地上。 The problem of dealing with waste has become so great that several inter- 废物处理已经成了一个很大的问题,以致现在已经建立了好几个 national organizations, such as“Friends of the Earth”, have been set up to 国际组织,例如“地球之友”,来保护世界, protect the world and to fight against pollution. They seek to reduce waste, 与污染作斗争。它们设法减少废物, protect the earth, the oceans and all forms of life in them. 保护地球及海洋和海洋中的一切生物。 Recently, China has made special laws to deal with waste and control pol- 最近,中国已制定了专门的法律来处理废物和控制 lution. She has also been very active in protecting the environment. 污染。在保护环境的工作中,中国一直是很积极的。
用完就扔掉的社会 In western countries, mountains of rubbish are thrown away each day. 在西方国家,每天都要扔掉许多垃圾。 This causes many problems. First, areas of land must be foundswheresthis rub- 这就带来了许多问题。首先,必须找到能够堆放垃 bish can be put. This is a particular problem for large cities. Second, much 圾的地方。这对大城市来说更是一个难题。其次,生产 energy is wasted producing things that are thrown away. 那些要扔掉的东西浪费了大量的能源。 In China, rubbish, such as used plastic bags and boxes known as“white 在中国,垃圾,比如像被称之为“白色污染”的塑料袋和 pollution”is becoming a serious problem. Many lakes and rivers are polluted 塑料盒,日益成为一个严重的问题了。许多湖泊和河流被工厂排出的 by the wastes from factories. As the wealth of the country increases, more waste 废物污染了。随着国家财富的增加,也产生了 will be produced. If everyone in the country bought one softdrink can each 更多的废物。如果这个国家每个人每天买一罐软饮料,并把它扔掉, day and threw it away, there would soon be a huge mountain of rubbish. 那么,很快就会有一座巨大的垃圾山。 Here is a game to play. The table below shows how much rubbish is thrown 这儿我们来做一个游戏。下面的表格说明英国每年扔掉 away in Britain every year. Imagine that China threw away as much rubbish as 的垃圾的数量。设想中国扔掉的垃圾跟英国这样的国家 a country like Britain. China is 22 times larger than Britain. So, multiply the 扔掉的垃圾同样多。中国是英国的22倍还要多。因此,把英国的 total Britain by 22 (×22). This will show you how much rubbish China would 总量乘以22,你就会知道中国每年扔掉的垃圾 throw away each year. 将会有多少了。 |
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第二十二课:重点复习 |
重点·难点·考点及疑点注释 1deal with与……打交道;处理;对付 You can deal with them. They are perfectly straight. 你可以放心同他们打交道。他们都很正直。 It's fairly hard to deal with such problems.处理这样的问题非常棘手。 辨析:deal with常用于how构成的句子。do with常与what连用。 2a danger to对……引起危险的人或物 Smoking is a terrible danger to people's health. 抽烟对人的健康是一件极其危险的事。 3break up分解;驱散 The police broke up the crowds.警察驱散了人群。 Sentences can be broken up /into/ clauses, and clauses /into/ phrases. 句子可以分解为分句,分句可以分解为短语。 4break down分解;分开;分化;抛锚;中断 After many years, rocks break down /into/ dirt. 许多年以后岩石分解成为泥土。 5(be) against违反;违背 There were 20 votes for and 12 against him. 20票赞成他,12票反对他。 It is against school rules to do that.那样做是违反学校纪律的。 反义词链接:be for; support; be in favor of支持,赞同 6rubbish废物,垃圾,胡说八道 She is talking rubbish.她在胡说八道。 7It will be...before ...要过……以后才…… It will be a year or two before the war ends.要过一两年战争才会结束。 8at one time一度,过去曾经,同时(用于一般过去时态) At one time, Shenzhen was a small village.深圳曾经是一个小村庄。 辨析:at a time意思是“一次”“每次”或“在某个时候”;at times “有时,不时”,相当于from time to time,once in a while或sometimes;at all times意思是“一直,无论何时”,相当于at any time, always。 Take two pills at a time.每次服两丸药。 I do feel a little nervous at times.我有时也的确感到有点紧张。 We should at all times be aware of our own shortcomings. 我们应时刻清楚地认识到自己的不足之处。 9. to do sth.企图做某事,试图做某事 They sought to kill him but failed.他们曾试图杀害她,但没成功。 同义词链接:try to do sth. 10multiply... by...用……来乘…… If you multiply five by seven, you'll get thirty five. 五乘以七得三十五。 |
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